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2004-03-16 00:08:00| 人氣34| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Dean 說:
thats good.... where is your friend opening the coffee shop??? i must go and visit
Judy 說:
泥夠 了
Judy 說:
Judy 說:
Judy 說:
Judy 說:
Judy 說:
Judy 說:
Dean 說:
and her??
Judy 說:
嗯 就像她說的現階段而言 她可能只是為了過日子而過吧
Dean 說:
what work does she do in the hospital>
Judy 說:
Dean 說:
Dean 說:
where does she work?
Judy 說:
Dean 說:
ic... and she doesnt like it?
Judy 說:
Judy 說:
Dean 說:
痛恨... strong words
Judy 說:
嗯 比憎恨還要不strong一點 呵呵
Judy 說:
屏 東才是她的家,她離開了屏東去了花蓮工作,一個人在異地總覺得克服什麼都難了一些吧,而且我不太清楚她屏東的家發生什麼事了她只是告訴我
Judy 說:
Dean 說:
家裡來了一個陌生人??? that seems a little strange
Judy 說:
Judy 說:
Judy 說:
Judy 說:
Dean 說:
Judy 說:
可能是他哥帶回來的女朋友吧 我也不知道
Dean 說:
sounds like she has more problems at home rather then just hating her work
Judy 說:
嗯 她的合約有二年,上一次她告訴了我她一年己經到了 她想走了她不想履行合約
Dean 說:
but is it because she misses home or she doesnt like the work
Dean 說:
it could be either
Judy 說:
嗯 她告訴我她不喜歡那份工作
Dean 說:
Dean 說:
i dunno... one must understand that no job is perfect and that there is always times when you feel down and left out and depressed...
Dean 說:
but you must be interested enough or there is something in that job that will make you want to go back..
Dean 說:
otherwise i think the job is not right for you...
Dean 說:
of ourse, one need to be realistic about it too..... there are very very very few dream jobs out there... and most of the time, you have to work extremely hard to get it anyway
Judy 說:
Dean 說:
if she can not stand the job, then she should consider leaving
Dean 說:
BUT, she must know what she will do if she does quit
Dean 說:
no point just quiting and not knowing what else ot do
Judy 說:
她一定很茫然吧有一點灰心對於護理界在台灣的地位 ,不管去到那裡 那一家醫院 只要她一天是護士她就必須接受那些官僚的制度 除非她運氣很好 也或者她離開了護理
Judy 說:
她有說過她想去唸社會福利耶 但我鼓勵她去考呼吸治療
Dean 說:
she should study whatever she is interested in..
Dean 說:
interested enough to go through bad patches
Dean 說:
i know sure it will not be as easy as she think it is.... there is still going to be political issues etc
Dean 說:
not just nurses.... but everyone else do too
Judy 說:
我也是這麼認為的啊 可是我沒有進去過她的圈子所以我永遠不知道她是否遇到了什麼樣的處境是別人所沒有的
Judy 說:
如果獨立性質高的工作 或許就沒有那樣的困擾
Dean 說:
everything in medicine is interconnected in some way
Dean 說:
doctors, nurses, social working, physiotherapist etc they all work under similar environments
Judy 說:
所以她的護理長寧願相信醫生的話也不願意相信她,護理長寧願認為醫生的話永遠都是對的她的就是錯的, 這樣也算是 interconnected嗎
Dean 說:
no.... that is just politics
Judy 說:
那為什麼會是這樣呢 護理長不就是她的上司嗎 醫生和護理長又沒有關係 為什麼上司不站在她的立場想 反而站在另一個同事著想, 就因為那個同事的職位是醫生嗎?
Dean 說:
of course there is connectiong..... definitely NOT 沒有關係
Judy 說:
如果你是她 你不灰心嗎
Dean 說:
of course i would be
Judy 說:
Dean 說:
i guess you have to put it behind you and keep going... if you like the job enough
Judy 說:
她都說她想去開咖啡店了啦怎麼keep going
Judy 說:
Dean 說:
if she like it and is happy with that, then she should do it
Dean 說:
one would need to remind her that opening a coffee shop is not exactly easy work either

Judy 說:
Judy 說:
Dean 說:
I KNOW!!!!

< 待續 >

台長: 潘朵拉的盒子
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