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2005-09-09 12:17:29| 人氣21| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Everything is new...>>>

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This week i came back school have the class la...
although very unwilling...but,everything is new...i’m interested...
so..we doesnt all the time unhappy la...
but..one thing is everyday,everyclass no have the person whith i know...
feel so lonly ar...
but...we also knows some people...
ah...no matter what la...i have one class and jerry together...one class and云云 together...already very good la...
the frist day when i go to the foreign language class...
a spoken english exam waitting for me la...oh my god...
it’s text ur spoken english level...i donnt nxious,just thing a little trouble...and i thing each teacher grades the standard is all different..but...i’m happy the foreign teacher said:why u english is so good...haha...i thing i will get the high mark ga...
next monday will get the result...
i have 3 class use english teach...is diffcult for me...this class and jerry together...we’re also no mood listen the teacher what he said...we’re chat on the class haha...
coz the thrid party logistice is very diffcult la...the word is so diffcult la..but,i will try the best to learn this class ga..ha...
we have 6 new roommate...they’re very nice...is very good to me...



jolin講過...如果係埋一齊...我對你嘎信任有懷疑.或者...唔再信任,咁我就唔會再愛呢個人,i will break up immediately...

台長: FeLeFatFet
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