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2005-08-18 21:17:28| 人氣28| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Thx...my love

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Thx…my love,
Recent,u always worry about me.sorry ar!
U know,I love smile & cry…but,when I crying,u can not very happy…
I really need to say sorry to u…I know u love me,I’m sorry,let u worry la…!
Sometime…I just want to crying…no reason.. recently,I rael was feel sad,but important reason that I dum believe u,I dum believe u love me,so…I feel sad!
But I feel better now,thank u encourages me, comforts me,concern me.u make me very happy and smile…haha…tomrrow,our have a short trip ar…haha!

Everyday…we’re also say ‘I love u any more ar’…haha…is very fun…
Now,u call me tamama….u are keroro…haha!I love u anymore ar…

Yesterday we all very were strange,we are chatting…than,u play cs…
So I go to the next room play computer,online QQ,MSN,…I see u in QQ…
We’re also chat with us…haha…I remember u said:当你唔开心嘎时候你就谂会过去的!…I will remember….forever!thx…my husband!

Yesterday evening…when I sleep…u talk to me…猪仔阿,你搬屋记住唔好搬甘远啊,如果世界末日我惊我赶唔切去稳你啊!hehe….at that time,u look like a fool ar…haha!but I love u…

But just you drived deliver me go home,u ask me how to go…5555….
Fool…If the judgement day, you real can look for me?…..

台長: FeLeFatFet
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