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2007-04-18 23:35:45| 人氣208| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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If a man could be two places at one time, I’d be with you.
Tomorrow and today, beside you all the way.

If the world should stop revolving spinning slowly down to die,
I’d spend the end with you.And when the world was through.

Then one by one the stars would all go out,
and you and I would simply fly away.

If a picture paints a thousand words,
Then why can’t I paint you?
The words will never show.the you I’ve come to know.
if a face could launch a thousand ships,
Then where am I to go?
There’s no one home but you,You’re all that’s left me too.

{And when my love for life is running dry,
You come and pour yourself on me.} my wish...

If a man could be two places at one time, I’d be with you.
Tomorrow and today, beside you all the way.

If the world should stop revolving spinning slowly
down to die,
I’d spend the end with you.And when the world was through.

Then one by one the stars would all go out,
and you and I would simply fly away.

也許 我不了解你  卻可以 很膚淺的喜歡著你 。。。。


但 我想 我也離不開 。 邊等 邊懷疑 邊傻笑 。。。。

第一次的晚餐 會是最後一次ㄇ 
下一次的晚餐  是多久後的將來?   耳邊的音樂 述說著我想說的

你聽到了ㄇ? (:p 雖然我只停了幾秒讓你聽前奏 又繼續滔滔不絕的說)

IF : Bread / Lyrics & Music : David Gates

那天 音樂很吵 。 你皺眉 我微笑 (呵 我always幫人找藉口)
              (可能是音量沒控制好 音響的問題 -我說)  
攪和著手中的沙拉 聽到前奏 我停下 目光不自覺飄移
發現被發現 定睛望著你傻笑 幾秒

那一刻 想就這樣停止 。 

我..... 沒那麼愛自由 (心裡默默小聲說著)

也許 我會為了你說的穩定的經濟來源 。 來維繫我的夢想
雖然打一開始我自己就說過我會選擇麵包 (還自揄 自己在裝理智)

但現在 真的去那麼做時
我不像當時勉強的成分那麼重(根本是100% 裝出來的)


 我是微笑的。 你是我的理由 - 

台長: punk rock Bubble
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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