昨日(thur)終於都test完GI, 前一晚溫d自己tip o既area, 溫到差唔多三點先瞓... tip o左十二個nursing care, turn out 出o個兩條essy, 得不足一條係tip中, 另一條連notes都無cover過, 都唔知佢想test我o地d咩... 唉~ test完都算la, 但求past 就ok la~ 不過d同學真係...好離譜...集體"出貓"......
test完就o係poly room同cracia預早慶祝生日, 食pizza, 切蛋糕, 仲有餘興節目: 集體bullying.
然後傾human nature presentation, 大家真係好hea, 連source都唔想睇, 但其實... 我係睇得幾enjoy (if and only if once i know the concept). 夜晚做ppt, 嘩~! 做死人~! 都唔知點解我會做咁多area~!? "introduction" + "the person as having a world" + one "nursing application" + "conclusion". 要organize d concept & 諗點整個ppt & 諗點講, 真係花好多時間, d concept實在太難組織la~~~ 仲要group 埋 groupmate d ppt, 九點搞到差唔多三點先有得瞓... script都無時間寫~
到今日present, 第一次跟ellice. 佢都幾易相處, 又considerate, 知我o地尋日先test完, 佢都話同個gemma 反映過, 不過都係無得轉時間; 佢話會明白我o地, 即係無咩expectation la~ 咁就good la~ 我仲同佢講, 個present係我o地under 唔多清醒o既狀態下完成的, 到依家呢個moment都仲未瞓醒... 佢聽到笑o左出o黎~^^" 不過我無誇張, 真係好攰~~~ 之後有即時classmate & tutor comment given. 大家都話我o地present得好~ 真係太好la~ ellice話我o地present o既o野好clear, 夠具體, 同佢以往教開d學生唔同, 唔會present到d concept好bulky, 仲話唔似係under semi-concious o既情況完成的~! 仲有同學仔話我o個part做得好呢~~^.^ 哈哈~ 一切的勞苦都總算無白廢.
lunch 8L去o左"明星"飲茶.
聽到一句令我好難受的說話... trigger到我o既underlying emotions, 然後放學搭車o個陣諗番好多o野, 返到屋企諗唔到可以打電話俾邊個講(who can understand what i say potentially...), 然後好無助, 繼而喊o左出o黎...... 幸好稍後時間收到電話...
錫我o既人係唔會咁樣講o野. I am so discontent with you.
you guys are so immature that, you can’t accept/respect/appreciate people that are different from yourselves. Is there only one type of personality that can be exist in your pathetic shallow world!?
I don’t think I have to do things to please you. I am not a fun guy. If it is so "boring" to you, to get along with me, you may just simply piss off. Just like what that bitch did. And I don’t care.
I have already done what I can do for you. And can you try not to be so unfair to me and try to appreciate what I’ve done? Don’t just leave the words: "I will no longer trust you!", "You’ve cheated me!", "You haven’t help me!" so irresponsibly. Try to take a step forward and view from my side. And you can also think of whether you need to pay greater efford to fight for your "dignity". You should be the one that is responsible for that
I can ultimately sure that you are really not that innocent. And I know that I can totally neglect you bitch. 你憑咩可以無視我, 而我又何解要睇你面色!?! 你無o野ar ma~!
Shallow is Shallow, in-depth is in-depth. Shallow can hardly be in-depth. And In-depth can hardly be shallow too.
You are just who you are. And I am just who I am.
Neither you and I need to "act" in front of people in the labeled circle of relationships.
I needa stick to "myself" in this ridiculous World, which is full of nonsense value and standard, together with the damn shallow "empty-brained" "human beings".
"被誤解被騙". "成人的世界背後總有殘缺".
"回家, 即使新世代, 全然皆冰冷
有主的愛, 在這屋裡, 不要怕"
Work hard for the coming Gyn test