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(4/1/2005) Care of the dying & death

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(5/1/2005, Tue)
今朝SN上"care of the dying & death", learnt alot......

一路上堂聽carman 講書, 個心都唔係好舒服, 可能係我想像力太豐富吧, 佢一路講, 我就一路o係o度imagine 個real situation. 成堂個鼻都有d酸......
"Stages of dying process:
~Acceptance" Bad news...係人都唔想accept... 若然遇著d不負責任o既醫生, 就咁announce 完bad news 就走, 希望到時我有能力provide psychological care to the patients & their relatives la~
We should provide more concern & time to patients without/have less relatives visit. 不竟"久病床前無孝子"...身為護士o既唔關心佢o地, 仲有邊個關心佢o地wor.
"Aims of care for the dying client:
~To relieve client's discomfort & stress
~To help the client to achieve death with respect & dignity
~To support & care the client's relatives"
...Hope I will be capable to do so...
resuscitation o既時候, 要請家屬 & other patients around(If possible) to stay outside. 因為carman話其實周圍o既病人係會驚o既...
愈來愈明白之前妳o係ICU點解會咁想走, 原來真係好難接受......

"hearing in thought to be the last sense lost"
所以病人unconscious or dying時, 係周圍o既人都要慎言, 因為病人係會聽到ga. 你對佢講o左d好話, 佢會聽到; 你對佢講埋d唔好o既說話, 佢都會聽到.

原來病人過o左身之後, 係可以問下d家屬想唔想為病人perform bed bathing------> as a kind of therapeutic for their bereavement. 若然d家屬有心又有膽o既, 幫死o左o既家屬bed bath真係幾好. 我諗d家屬個心都會好過d, "為對方作最後一件事"ma.

carman仲話好多趕唔切送病人最後一程o既家屬, o黎到都會問:"佢去得舒唔舒服...?" ...一聽到呢o度我就好心酸...... 平時睇戲睇到呢d位我都會忍唔住...到時真係面對時, 我又會點呢...?

病人做完resuscitation之後都救唔番o既話, 身為護士o既可以問出面o既家屬:
"你想唔想我陪你入去見佢最後一面...?" 家屬喊得耐, 喊到攰時, 就攞張櫈俾佢o地坐, 又或者帶佢o地去第二間房o度休息, 仲要俾杯水佢o地飲. 雖然呢只係小事, 但已經能夠俾到病人好大o既support.

demo 睇performing "last office"(care of the deceased, 亦即係我o地成日講o既"打包"). 唉...見到個扮死人o既公仔俾人包到粒糖咁, 真係...好難受. 以前死o左o既病人, 係無衫著ga. "dignity"...真係好難define 可謂"dignity"...不過家陣好好多ga la, 佢o地會有disposable gown著, d家屬又可以帶衫俾佢o地著.

"care of the dying & death"------Nurse can make the last comfort of life a richer, more comfortable experience......

台長: 雲妮
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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