Originally I have a quite good mood today. But suddenly sth happened, which make me feel shocked, disappointed and uncomfortable, that I need to express it out here.
Frankly, I have think of giving my diary link to Cammy and laura recently. As I do think that they are reliable friends. Being my friends/people that I care, I hope that I wouldn't hide anything in front of you. And of course, I know you would like to know more about me. However, Cammy just disclosed one thing to laura(in front of me) today. And I was so shocked! How come she could just speak that out!?! Haven't I told her that I don't want anyone to know it!? Though that is not a big deal to let the others know, I know if anyone of the "six stars" know it, she will feel upset. And if other classmates know it, they may started to spread rumours~! That's what I DON'T want to see/hear. While I am protecting myself, I also need to protect the people that I trust. And that's so called "FRIENDS". If you are unable to keep such a little "secret", then how can you keep all the things that I typed in my diary!? Beside you make me think that you are unreliable, you also make me think that you are an inconsiderate person. If you are considerate, you would know what unfavourable consequences appear once you spoke that out. You even gave me a feeling that you want to push me to give my diary link to you. That's NOT RESPECTFUL.
Trustworthiness is hard to build up, but is easy to be broken down.
......especially to me.
Cammy, you really disappointed me. We have spent three months to be friends, who I think you are trustworthy. But you just let such a little mistake screws it up......Just because you didn't think twice before you speak.
Of course I can forgive your carelessness. But the problem is: you make laura, a friend that I care, felt sad at that moment. And I don't know when will we rebuild the trustworthiness between you and me.
I hate people disclosing my words/secrets. Cos' I'm not a person who can tell my secrets/stories to everybody so easily. Friends here, I tell you my stories because I treat you all as my FRIENDS. While I care you, you care me too, right?
Please don't hurt me. I can't take it.