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2004-08-30 01:36:15| 人氣27| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Renew the strength

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This morning, I supposed to be woke up at 9.30am. However, I was woken up by a killing pain at 8.30am~~~
It's really "pain to death"~~~~~~~~@________@

After having a shower, I switched on the TV and then I could watch the liturgy programme on ATV World occasionally. This time, the topic was about "Renew the strength"

[Strength]------>spiritual strength, emotional strength and the strength to help people who are hurting.
"The single deepest thing that we have to learn is not literature, it is "spirit", "heart"."
"There are two kind of people in the world, one is 'mirror people' and the other one is 'window people'.
'mirror people' always look at the mirror. Eventually, they look more and more abou themselves, less the others. They care no one, they can't see any people in the world, they can't se people in need.
'window people' look out to the world. They see others, they see people who are hurting, who are starving, who are homeless......Got to tell your friends or family about this salvation~~~!"

And there is a lovely hymn with the following lyrics which I think is very beautiful~:
"Words of praise are all that I can say. Even if the words have died, my heart will be still praising you. For you are the miracle of love, the reason that I live..."

"Walk with God. Let God smiles at you."

I do.

台長: 雲妮
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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