This is Dennis O.
I heard about this website and wanted top check it out. I was very surprised to here that I had fans in China. It is a very good feeling that even the chinese people have excepted me. I wanted to write this and let you know that I appreciate all of this. I don’t know who will see this since I can’t read Chinese but I hope that someone will. I wish all of you a happy new year and many wishes. Take care and thank you again. I love all of you.

Hello to all the Fans in China
Hello to all the Fans in China,
Wow! I was very surprised to see all of you read my message. I know that my user Id is different from last time, that’s because I forgot my password. But don’t worry I wrote this one down so I won’t forget. I just wanted to write again because I saw everyones response to my message on the IMBC website and was very glad to see that all of you got to see it. Since the website is in Chinese and even the English version is sometimes difficult to navigate I wasn’t sure that all of you would get the chance to read it. I saw someones message to me. and something that they said everyone was curiouse about was the tatto’s on my body. The large one on my back is of a cross. and the smaller one under my navel is a tribal design. They are not specific to the character in the drama, but were not contradicting enough to the character to get them covered. They are real. The cross has religious meaning as I’m sure all of you could guess. The smaller one on my navel is mainly a tribal design I got when I was young and really has no meaning. Well I hope all of you get to see this take care all of you. You guys are great! Love the sight by the way. Well, i have to go for the shooting. Till next time.
哇!我感到非常的惊讶你们都读了我的留言。我知道我使用的ID跟上次不同,这是因为我忘记了我上次的密码了。但是不要担心,我把这个写下来了不会再忘记了。我之所以再写留言是因为我看到每个人在IMBC的网站上对我留言的回应,我非常高兴你们都可以看到了留言。因为这个网站用中文,甚至有时英文的翻译器会有操作难度,所以我不确定你们所有人都有机会读到。我看到有些人留言给我,他们说每个人都对我的纹身都感到好奇。在我背上那个大的是一个十字架,在我肚脐下较小的那个是一个部族设计。它们和剧中角色没有什么特别的关系,但是它们又没有什么影响所以也不需遮盖住,它们是真的。这个十字架有一个宗教意义,我确定你们都能猜得到。在我肚脐较小的那个主要是个部族设计,在我年轻时就有了,真的没有特别意思。我希望你们所有人都能看到这个留言,大家要好好照顾自己。你们真的很棒! 我非常喜欢这样的现象。好了,我要去拍照了。下次再继续了。