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The word "hit" has multiple meanings and uses in the English language. Here are some common ways to use the word "hit":

  1. As a verb meaning to strike or physically come into contact with something or someone. Example: She hit the ball with her tennis racket.

  2. To achieve or reach a goal or target. Example: The company hit its sales target for the quarter.

  3. To have a sudden impact or effect. Example: The news of the scandal hit the market hard.

  4. To attack or criticize. Example: The media hit the politician for his controversial remarks.

  5. To visit a place or location. Example: We hit all the tourist spots during our trip to New York City.

  6. As a noun meaning a successful or popular song, movie, or other entertainment product. Example: The new album is a hit with fans.

  7. To use drugs or consume alcohol. Example: He hit the bottle hard after the breakup.

It's important to note that the word "hit" can have different connotations depending on the context and the intended meaning. As with any word in the English language, it's important to use it appropriately and in the right context.



hot shower and a cup of tea will revive you.


 The word "reluctant" is an adjective that describes someone who is hesitant or unwilling to do something. Here are a few examples of how to use it in a sentence:

  1. She was reluctant to try the new food because she had never had it before.
  2. The company was reluctant to hire someone without any experience.
  3. He was reluctant to ask for help, but eventually realized he couldn't do it alone.
  4. The team was reluctant to take on the project because they were already overworked.


evaluate  judge

  1. The teacher will evaluate the students' essays based on their content, organization, and grammar.
  2. The company is hiring a consultant to evaluate their marketing strategy.
  3. The doctor will evaluate the patient's symptoms to determine the best course of treatment.
  4. The judge will evaluate the evidence presented in the trial before making a ruling.


The word "evidently" is an adverb that is used to indicate something that is clear, obvious, or apparent. Here are a few situations in which you could use the word "evidently":

  1. When something is clearly visible or observable, you could say, "The problem with the engine is evidently a loose belt."
  2. When something is common knowledge or well-established, you could say, "Evidently, the company has a history of unethical business practices."
  3. When something is inferred from other evidence or circumstances, you could say, "Based on the tire tracks and broken glass, there was evidently an accident at this intersection."
  4. When something is implied or hinted at, you could say, "She didn't explicitly say so, but evidently she doesn't want to go to the party."

In each of these situations, "evidently" is used to indicate that something is clear or obvious based on specific evidence, circumstances, or context.





The word "consumption" can be used to describe the act of using up a resource, as well as the amount of a resource that is used. Here are some examples of situations in which you might use the word "consumption":

  1. When talking about food or drink, you might use the word "consumption" to describe how much a person has eaten or drunk, such as "His excessive consumption of alcohol led to health problems."
  2. When discussing energy usage, you might use "consumption" to refer to the amount of energy used by a home, business, or country, such as "The government is encouraging people to reduce their energy consumption to help combat climate change."
  3. When referring to the use of other resources, such as natural resources or materials, you might use "consumption" to describe the amount used or wasted, such as "The excessive consumption of plastic is contributing to environmental problems."
  4. In economics, "consumption" refers to the spending by individuals, households, or governments on goods and services, such as "Consumer spending accounts for a significant portion of the country's GDP."

In each of these situations, "consumption" is used to describe the use or amount of a resource, whether it be food, energy, materials, or money.



permission or agreement

"Consent", "permission", and "agreement" are all related to the idea of granting or giving approval for something. Here are some examples of when to use each word:

  1. "Consent" is often used in situations where one person or group is giving permission to another person or group for something that may affect them, such as medical procedures, sexual activity, or research studies. For example: "The patient gave her consent for the surgery to proceed."

  2. "Permission" is used in a variety of situations to indicate that someone is allowed to do something. For example: "I need to ask my boss for permission to take time off work next week."

  3. "Agreement" is used to describe a situation where two or more parties have come to a mutual understanding or accepted terms of a deal or arrangement. For example: "The two companies reached an agreement to merge their operations."

In general, "consent" is often used in situations that involve personal or sensitive matters, while "permission" is used for more general situations. "Agreement" is typically used in the context of business, negotiations, or formal contracts.





acqua  int

UK  /əˈkweɪnt/ US  /əˈkweɪnt/

to make someone or yourself familiar with something


Take time to acquaint yourself with the rules.


The Broadcasting Museum offers workshops to acquaint children with the world of radio.


Meet 用法

Meet 作為「認識」解釋時,通常是指初次見面時的那種認識,可以把它當作某段關係的起始點。


Nice to meet you.



I met her in Japan.



They met at work.



Would you like to meet my friend?



Know 用法

Know 的中文解釋相信大家都不陌生,最常被翻譯為「知道」,但這個字同時也可以用來翻譯「認識」。Know 和 meet 最大的差別在於,meet 會用在初次見面的關係建立,而 know 則是表達已經有交情的情況,比起 meet 的用法,使用 know 時感覺你是更熟悉他的,那麼認識到什麼程度呢?就要看後面所接的敘述來解讀。


be acquainted with sth


to know or be familiar with something, because you have studied it or have experienced it before


Do you know him?



I know him.

我認識他。(比起 meet 關係更不錯,但實際上熟到什麼程度不清楚。)


I know him well.



I have known him for a long time.



I’ve known her since we were at school together.





Acquainted 用法

Acquainted 這個字滿有趣的,根據情況和用法的不同,會有不同的解釋,有時可翻為「熟悉」,有時又可以翻為「不熟但相識、認識的情況」,而 acquainted 也常會搭配 with 一起使用。




It’s true we were acquainted, but no more than that.



I’m afraid we’re not acquainted.



而 get acquainted with 這個片語則是第二種狀況,跟 meet 很像,多數時候會用在初次見面的狀況下,只是差別在於 get acquainted with 比較像是指透過聊天、對話的過程認識彼此,中文可以翻成「認識/結識/熟悉彼此」,但這裡的熟悉是指漸進式的認識對方,不是真的很熟的狀態,這就是中文有趣的地方~Meet 的話比較是指介紹對方互相認識、見面,比較沒有哪種漸進式認識的感覺。



We got acquainted at the conference.



I would like to get acquainted with her.



The meetings were a way to get acquainted with each other.



而如果 be acquainted with 後面接的是事物,翻譯上會變成「對某件事情熟悉、了解」。


Employees should be fully acquainted with emergency procedures.



He was well acquainted with the literature of Europe.



Acquaintance 跟 acquainted 很像,可以代表兩種意思,一種是「泛泛之交、見過幾次面但不太熟的人、有交情但不到朋友的程度」,另一種則是在「某個場合中初次踫面認識、結識的人」。


He’s just a business acquaintance.



It was at my friend’s party that I first made his acquaintance (= first met him).





Be familiar with someone 用法

最後有一個用法大家常常會搞錯,那就是 be familiar with someone,因為 familiar 常會翻成「熟悉、親近」,所以這個片語常常被人誤以為是在問說「你跟某人很熟嗎?」,但問這句的含義,多半是指「你知道/認識某個人嗎?」,這個用法比較特別,使用時要小心。


Are you familiar with John?

你知道John嗎?/ 你認識John嗎?




You may not be a basketball player, but you must be familiar with Michael Jordan.



To accomplish our goals, here are some steps we can take:

  1. Define our goals: We need to have a clear idea of what we want to achieve. Setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals can help us focus on what we want to accomplish.

  2. Develop a plan: Once we have defined our goals, we need to create a plan of action. We can break down our goals into smaller, manageable tasks and set deadlines for each task. This will help us stay organized and motivated.

  3. Stay motivated: It is essential to stay motivated and committed to our goals. We can do this by reminding ourselves of why we want to achieve our goals, celebrating small successes along the way, and seeking support from friends, family, or a mentor.

  4. Be flexible: Sometimes, our plans may not work out as we had hoped. In these situations, it's essential to be flexible and adjust our plans as needed. We should focus on the end goal and be open to trying new approaches.

  5. Take action: Ultimately, achieving our goals requires action. We need to be proactive and take steps every day to move closer to our goals. Even small actions can add up and make a significant difference in the long run.

By following these steps, we can increase our chances of accomplishing our goals and achieving the success we desire.




UK  /əˈteɪn/ US  /əˈteɪn/

to reach or succeed in getting something


He has attained the highest grade in his music exams.


We need to identify the best ways of attaining our objectives/goals.


India attained independence in 1947, after decades of struggle.



 to come together in a single place or bring parts together in a single group


We assembled in the meeting room after lunch.


to assemble data


At the staff meeting, the manager told the assembled company (= everyone there) that no one would lose their job.




disgust   dislike











UK  /ˈhɑːm.ləs/ US  /ˈhɑːrm.ləs/



not able or not likely to cause harm


Peter might look a bit fierce, but actually he's fairly harmless.


There were those who found the joke offensive, but Johnson insisted it was just a bit of harmless fun.

They say that exposure to low level radioactivity is harmless.

These normally harmless substances combine to form a highly poisonous gas.

Those who think this is a harmless recreational drug are being naive.

For a long time, tobacco was thought to be a harmless.

They weren't having an affair - it was a harmless flirtation and nothing more.



verb   formal

UK  /ˈheɪ.sən/ US  /ˈheɪ.sən/


[ T ]

to make something happen sooner or more quickly


There is little doubt that poor medical treatment hastened her death.


These recent poor results have hastened the manager's departure.



[ + to infinitive ]

If you hasten to do something, you quickly do it.


The president hastened to reassure his people that he was in perfect health.



[ + to infinitive ]

If you hasten to say something, you want to make it clear.


It was an unfortunate decision and I hasten to say it had nothing to do with me.


"People around here dress so badly - except you, Justin," she hastened to add.




UK  /fəˈbɪd/ US  /fɚˈbɪd/

 I forbid you to marry him!

Diplomatic etiquette forbids calling for the death of a national leader.

She does a lot of work for charities, but her modesty forbids her from talking about it.

City Ordinance 126 forbids car parking in this area of New York.

She obtained a restraining order forbidding her partner from seeing their two children.




Photo Credit:世界公民文化中心





My friend refuses to loan me $1,000 for buying a concert ticket.







Photo Credit:世界公民文化中心





The manager rejected our new project.







Photo Credit:世界公民文化中心





The princess is believed to have declined various proposals of marriage.














pessi  mistic

Encouraging someone who is pessimistic can be challenging, but there are several strategies you can use to help them shift their perspective and become more optimistic:

  1. Validate their feelings: Let the person know that you understand their perspective and that it's okay to feel pessimistic sometimes. Acknowledge their feelings and give them space to express themselves.

  2. Reframe negative thoughts: Help the person reframe negative thoughts into more positive ones. Encourage them to focus on what they can control and what they are grateful for.

  3. Practice positive self-talk: Encourage the person to talk to themselves in a positive way. Encourage them to use affirmations, such as "I am capable" or "I am worthy."

  4. Focus on solutions: Help the person identify solutions to their problems. Encourage them to take action and make a plan.

  5. Offer support: Offer your support and let the person know that you are there for them. Encourage them to seek additional support if needed, such as from a therapist or support group.

Remember that encouraging someone who is pessimistic may take time and patience. Be kind and compassionate, and continue to offer support as they work to shift their perspective.

  1. 倾听:首先,了解他们的感受并尝试倾听他们的想法。不要试图改变他们的观点,而是尝试与他们建立联系,让他们感受到你的支持和理解。

  2. 引导:悲观主义者往往会忽略事情的积极面,因此,可以引导他们看到问题的不同角度,帮助他们更全面地了解事情的本质。例如,提醒他们一些可能会影响到问题的好处。

  3. 鼓励:鼓励他们积极思考,提出一些实际可行的解决方案,并支持他们实施这些解决方案。让他们看到他们的想法和行动可以带来积极的结果,让他们逐渐建立起一种积极的思维方式。

  4. 赞美:在他们付出努力时,适当的赞美可以让他们感到被认可和鼓励,这会增加他们继续努力的动力。


verb [ T ]

UK  /prəˈkleɪm/ US  /proʊˈkleɪm/

proclaim verb [T] (ANNOUNCE)



to announce something publicly or officially, especially something positive


All the countries have proclaimed their loyalty to the alliance.


Republican party members were confidently proclaiming victory even as the first few votes came in.


[ + that ] It was the famous speech in which he proclaimed that socialism was dead.


[ + two objects ] She was proclaimed Queen at the age of 13 after the sudden death of her father.



After the abdication, George was immediately proclaimed king.

Bush was proclaiming victory even before the last votes had been counted.

The president has proclaimed a state of emergency.

Brazil proclaimed itself independent from Portugal in 1882.

The charter proclaims that each state will be independently governed.

proclaim verb [T] (SHOW)



to show something or make it clear


Wearing scarves and hats which proclaimed their allegiance, the football fans flooded into the bar.


(proclaim在劍橋英語-中文(繁體)詞典的翻譯 © Cambridge University Press)



In countries all around the world, ministers of finance are proclaiming that the state must reduce spending.

來自 Cambridge English Corpus

The same state that stigmatised and arrested them in 1937-8 now proclaimed its desire to protect them.

來自 Cambridge English Corpus

At this point, the new chilam, speaker of the jaguar priest, proclaimed the prophecy for the upcoming katun, and then the assembled lords and priests performed acts of autosacrifice.

來自 Cambridge English Corpus

Before that time, many papers openly proclaimed association with a particular political party.

來自 Cambridge English Corpus

The guilty party was proclaimed to be legally dead, with all the financial consequences that that entailed.

來自 Cambridge English Corpus

The author all but proclaims that fairness itself was unfair.

來自 Cambridge English Corpus

One grower proclaimed that 'we ship beautiful mediocrity' to note his judgment that the apples sold wholesale were pretty to look at, but inferior in other qualities.

來自 Cambridge English Corpus

The project ended in 1973; as with all projects of its kind, it was proclaimed a success by those involved.

來自 Cambridge English Corpus




宣布, 声明, 表示…



proclamar, declarar, decretar…



proclamar, decretar, declarar…







在英語詞典中查看 proclaim 的釋義



adjective [ before noun ]

UK  /prəˈseʃ.ən.əl/ US  /prəˈseʃ.ən.əl/


used in a procession




noun [ C ]

UK  /ˈprəʊ.ses.ər/ US  /ˈprɑː.ses.ɚ/


the part of a computer that performs operations on the information that is put into it



noun [ C ]   MEDICAL   specialized

UK  /prəʊˈses.əs/ US  /proʊˈses.əs/

plural processus


a Latin word meaning "process" or "structure in the body", used in medical names and descriptions



noun [ U ]   MEDICAL   specialized

UK  /prəʊ.sɪˈden.tʃə/ US  /ˌproʊ.səˈden.tʃə/


a Latin word meaning "prolapse" (= a condition in which an organ has moved down out of its usual position), used in medical names and descriptions




verb [ T ]

UK  /prəˈkleɪm/ US  /proʊˈkleɪm/

proclaim verb [T] (ANNOUNCE)



to announce something publicly or officially, especially something positive


All the countries have proclaimed their loyalty to the alliance.



noun [ C or U ]

UK  /ˌprɒk.ləˈmeɪ.ʃən/ US  /ˌprɑː.kləˈmeɪ.ʃən/


an official announcement


to issue a proclamation


A bloody civil war followed the proclamation of an independent state.




noun [ C ]   formal

UK  /prəˈklɪv.ə.ti/ US  /prəˈklɪv.ə.t̬i/


the fact that someone likes something or likes to do something, especially something considered morally wrong


the sexual proclivities of celebrities


his proclivity for shapely blondes



verb [ I ]

UK  /prəˈkræs.tɪ.neɪt/ US  /proʊˈkræs.tə.neɪt/


to keep delaying something that must be done, often because it is unpleasant or boring



noun [ U ]

UK  /prəˌkræs.tɪˈneɪ.ʃən/ US  /proʊ-/


the act of delaying something that must be done, often because it is unpleasant or boring





UK  /səˈvaɪv/ US  /sɚˈvaɪv/

to continue to live or exist, especially after coming close to dying or being destroyed or after being in a difficult or threatening situation



 adjective [ before noun ]

UK  /praɪm/ US  /praɪm/

main or most important


This is a prime example of 1930s architecture.



 devote sth to sth/sb

— phrasal verb with devote verb

UK  /dɪˈvəʊt/ US  /dɪˈvoʊt/


to give all of something, especially your time, effort, or love, or yourself, to something you believe in or to a person


He left the Senate to devote more time to his family.



UK  /ˈheɪ.stəl.i/ US  /ˈheɪ.stəl.i/


said or done in a hurry, sometimes without the necessary care or thought


o b li  gation



UK  /ˌɒb.lɪˈɡeɪ.ʃən/

US  /ˌɑː.bləˈɡeɪ.ʃən/

 Obligation is a concept that is closely tied to responsibility and duty. It refers to a sense of duty or responsibility to do something or to act in a certain way. Obligations can be moral, legal, or social, and they can arise from a variety of sources, such as personal beliefs, cultural norms, or contractual agreements.

One common example of an obligation is the obligation to pay taxes. In many countries, citizens have a legal obligation to pay taxes on their income, and failure to do so can result in fines or even imprisonment. This obligation is based on the principle that citizens have a responsibility to contribute to the functioning of their society by supporting public services and infrastructure.

Another example of an obligation is the obligation to care for one's family members. In many cultures, individuals are expected to provide for and support their family members, particularly their parents and children. This obligation is based on the belief that family members have a responsibility to take care of each other and to ensure each other's well-being.

Obligations can also arise from personal beliefs or values. For example, an individual may feel an obligation to volunteer their time and resources to a charitable cause that they feel passionate about. This obligation is based on the individual's personal belief that they have a responsibility to contribute to the greater good.

However, obligations can also be complicated and conflicting. For example, an individual may feel obligated to care for their elderly parent, but may also have work or other responsibilities that make it difficult to do so. In this case, the individual may experience a sense of moral conflict between their obligations and their other responsibilities.

Overall, obligations are an important aspect of our lives that help to guide our behavior and shape our sense of responsibility. While they can sometimes be challenging or conflicting, obligations are an important part of our social and cultural fabric and help to ensure that we act in ways that are responsible, ethical, and compassionate.

The implications for backward-looking concepts such as obligations of commitment, desert, responsibility, and punishment depend on the specific context and situation in which they are applied. However, some possible implications include: Obligations of commitment: If perceptions of authority affect obedience or conformity, then individuals may feel obligated to commit to certain actions or behaviors based on the authority figure's instructions, even if it goes against their personal beliefs or values. This may lead to a sense of moral conflict or confusion. Desert: The idea of deserving rewards or punishments based on one's actions may be influenced by perceptions of authority. For example, if an authority figure instructs individuals to engage in unethical behavior and they comply, they may still feel that they deserve punishment or negative consequences for their actions. Responsibility: Perceptions of authority may also affect how individuals perceive responsibility for their actions. If an authority figure instructs individuals to engage in harmful behavior, they may feel less responsible for the consequences because they were following orders. Punishment: The effectiveness and fairness of punishment may also be influenced by perceptions of authority. If an authority figure is seen as legitimate and just, then punishment may be more effective in deterring future unethical behavior. However, if the authority figure is perceived as unjust or unfair, punishment may be seen as illegitimate and may not have the desired effect. These are just a few examples, and the implications of perceptions of authority on backward-looking concepts may vary depending on the specific circumstances and cultural context.






noun [ U ]

UK  /əˈbiː.di.əns/ US  /oʊˈbiː.di.əns/

The word "obedience" is often used to describe the act of following rules, orders, or instructions. Here are some examples of how to use the word "obedience" in a sentence:

  1. "The soldier's obedience to his commanding officer helped ensure the mission's success."
  2. "The school enforces strict rules about obedience to teachers and authority figures."
  3. "The dog's obedience training helped him learn to follow commands."
  4. "In some cultures, obedience to elders and family traditions is highly valued."
  5. "The company expects obedience to safety protocols and regulations at all times."

In each of these examples, "obedience" is used to describe the act of following rules or instructions. It can be used to describe a person's behavior, as well as expectations or requirements in different settings, such as the military, education, pet training, cultural norms, and workplace safety.

Perceptions of authority can have a strong influence on both obedience and conformity. Here are some examples:

  1. In a study by psychologist Stanley Milgram, participants were asked to deliver electric shocks to a person in another room when instructed to do so by an authority figure. Despite the fact that the shocks were fake, many participants obeyed the authority figure and continued to deliver shocks even when the other person appeared to be in pain or distress.

  2. In the famous Asch conformity experiments, participants were asked to judge the length of lines in a group setting. When other participants intentionally gave incorrect answers, many people conformed and gave the same incorrect answer in order to fit in with the group and not go against authority.

  3. In a workplace setting, employees may feel pressured to conform to the expectations and decisions of their boss or manager, even if they have reservations or disagree with those decisions. This can lead to a lack of creativity or innovation, as people may be hesitant to speak up or suggest alternative ideas.

  4. In a classroom setting, students may be more likely to obey and follow the teacher's rules or instructions, even if they don't necessarily agree with them. This can lead to a lack of critical thinking or independent thought, as students may be more focused on pleasing the teacher or authority figure.

Overall, perceptions of authority can have a significant impact on obedience and conformity, and it's important to be aware of this influence and to encourage independent thinking and critical evaluation of authority figures and their decisions.

  1. 在心理學家斯坦利·米爾格拉姆的一項研究中,參與者被要求按照權威人士的指示對另一個房間裡的人進行電擊。儘管這些電擊是假的,許多參與者仍然服從權威人士的指示,甚至在另一個人表現出疼痛或痛苦時仍繼續進行電擊。

  2. 在著名的阿什一致性實驗中,參與者被要求在群體環境中判斷線段的長度。當其他參與者故意給出錯誤答案時,許多人為了適應群體並不違反權威,也給出了相同的錯誤答案。

  3. 在工作場所中,員工可能會感到壓力,要遵循老板或經理的期望和決策,即使他們對這些決策有疑問或不同意。這可能會導致缺乏創造力或創新,因為人們可能會猶豫發表意見或提出替代想法。

  4. 在課堂上,學生可能更容易服從和遵循教師的規則或指示,即使他們不一定同意。這可能會導致缺乏批判性思維或獨立思考,因為學生可能更關注取悅教師或權威人士。

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