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2010-04-10 15:35:26| 人氣101| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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I'm waiting in the dark

Cause nothing's going right

and everything's a mess

Together holding hands will fall

My words are cold and I don't want to hurt you

I cannot find a way to describe it

I always needed time on my own

and no one likes to be alone

You know I always stay up without sleeping

And think to myself

Where do I belong forever

In whose arms, the times and place?

I am small and the world is big

It's there inside all I do is hide

But I get tired and I get weak

I just need to know that I can breath

When you told me that it'll be ok

And I wanna believe you         

Ya I try to believe you

 But I don't



Are you aware of what you make me feel, baby

All the things you hide from  me

All the shit that you do

All this time you were pretending

I know you wanna run away

Thanks for acting like you cared

And makeing me feel like I was the only one

If you're trying to turn me into something else

I've seen enough and I'm over that

Just freak out, let it go

I'm better off without you anyway

Everything back but you

It's nice to know we had it all

Thanks for watching as I fall

I'm not nobody's fool

Now you're losing me, you're losing me now



Everything that I do reminds me of you

Everything I do I give my heart and soul

You were everything, everything that I wanted

When you walk away

I count the steps that you take

Do you see how much I need you right now?

When you're gone

the pieces of my heart are missing you

I'm going nowhere and on and on and

I wish that I could see you again

I know that I can't



I'll write this song

If that's what it take


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