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作詞:李宗盛 作曲:Cindy Davis + Dr.Alex Tsisserev

誰不是靠想像 想愛情的模樣
人若在愛戀的時光 接近全盲
你因此亢奮異常 無視於侷促低盪
喔 用所有的倔強 非要把虛無的想像
懷成你要的形狀 我羨慕你的堅強

嘿 是的 女人香
證明你不願去偽裝 你的思想和渴望
明天會怎樣 豐美還是憂傷
是空曠如蠻荒 還是星空般明亮

誰不是靠想像 想愛情的模樣
面對巨大的磁場 被高舉或是被解放
我好奇你的方向 你去的是什麼地方
喔 用所有的倔強 非要把虛無的想像
懷成你要的形狀 我佩服你的膽量

你遊遊盪盪 惆悵徬惶
你跌跌撞撞 幾次受傷
你不是不能 賢慧善良
愛是陽光 面對愛 你只能夠 選擇不隱藏

你只能靠想像 想愛情的模樣
人若在戀愛的時光 接近全盲
我現在能想像 我現在能想像 我現在能想像
現在能想像 現在能想像 我也只能靠想像


詞曲:Cindy Davis + Dr.Alex Tsisserev

Clumsy little me I,
I always let you down
I never have the sense enough to keep my mouth shut
I always let you down

I'm falling past the line now
Oh I do it every time,
I say what I don't mean
My real intent's unseen,
I do it every tieme

Oh I've let you down
Now you can let me drown here in my own shameful tears
You can let me go
But I hope you know my risk is betting that you'll let me stay

Clumsy little words,They always fall away
And I'm left just standing there
You think you think that I don't care
But honey that's not true,

And I know just what you'll do
Oh you'll look at me sadly
As I try to compensate for the words that I just ate
I'm feeling so badly

I fumble and I fall with no sense
I laugh and cry in every sentence
So listen now to words I have to say
and know that it's just me I'm trying to make us both happy
I'm fading when tongues are tied and hearts are far away

I always let you down
always let you down,always let you down
I always let me down


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