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2005-12-01 20:01:40| 人氣86| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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You’re the kind of friend who always bends when I’m broken
Like remember when
You took my heart and put it back together again

I’ve been wasting time with clueless guys
But now it’s over
Let me tell you why
I’m through
I’ve meet someone new
Who’s just like you

You’re it
You’re the ultimate
It’s automatic.
I’m sure of it
No lie
So don’t even try
To tell me that you’re not the guy
Cuz I’ve been waiting all my life
For someone just like you
But you’re it
You’re the ultimate, you

You’re the kind of guy who’s hands in mine send shivers
up and down my spine
You took my heart and put it back together again

You’re the kind of guy that blows my mind
But now it’s my turn
You’ve been right in front of me
Everything I need
Why didn’t i see

You’re it
You’re the ultimate
It’s Automatic.


台長: 企 鵝*


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