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♪ St. Vincent - Marry Me (2007)

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Marry Me, John

Marry Me…


我莫名的愛上St. Vincent


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St. Vincent – Marry Me2007

Track listing

01. Now, Now

02. Jesus Saves, I Spend

03. Your Lips Are Red

04. Marry Me

05. Paris Is Burning

06. All My Stars Aligned

07. The Apocalypse Song

08. We Put A Pearl In The Ground

09. Land Mines

10. Human Racing

11. What Me Worry?



Track 04-Marry Me 

Marry me, John
Marry me, John I'll be so good to you
You won't realize I'm gone

Marry me, John
Marry me, John I'll be so sweet to you
You won't realize I'm gone
You won't realize I'm gone

Many people wanna make money make love
make friends make peace with death
But most mainly want to win the game they came to win
they want to come out ahead
But you you're a rock with a heart

like a socket I can plug into at will
And will you guess when I come around next
I hope your open sign is blinking still

So Marry me, John
Marry me, John I'll be so good to you
You won't realize I'm gone
You won't realize I'm gone

As for me I have to agree I'm as fickle as a paper doll being kicked by the wind

when I touch down again I'll be in someone elses arms

Oh, John c'mon we'll do what married people do
Oh, John c'mon we'll do what Mary and Joseph did without the kid

So Marry me, John
Marry me, John I'll be so good to you
You won't realize I'm gone
You won't realize I'm gone

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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 單身練習曲 |
此分類下一篇:♪ Cocco - ニライカナイ 月光 (2010 New Single)
此分類上一篇:♪ Paolo Nutini-The Streets(2006)

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