24h購物| | PChome| 登入
2011-09-23 22:12:26| 人氣94| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

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mother fucker, get your priorities straight! what are you doing wasting time like this? what are you doing running away from your responsibilities! you feel no shame at all? you sink to this level now? what the fuck i want to kill you so bad you useless piece of shit, what the fuck!

you can do this, you can do it! you've just got to do it! inaction is a killer, don't get murdered so easily!

i know there is pressure, just cope with it! keep your eyes on the ball, people are relying on your performance! once you get there you'll know all this is worth it! committ to yourself, allow yourself to be the best at what you do!

love life! piece out.

台長: 陽光的笑
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