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2011-09-08 08:17:20| 人氣114| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Every business is in the lead generation business

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LOL this is SO true!

Every business is in the lead generation business. Leads are the life blood of any business. Without leads, there will be no sale, without sale, there will be no revenue, and without revenue the business won't last for very long.

I have been lucky to generate cashflow quickly, but maintain a certain level of consistant cash in-flow is the hearder part. How do I consistantly generate leads, consistantly convert them into sales, and consistantly have cashflow coming in?

I will nurture my data base, work at them and plant seeds of referral, the way a farmer would work on their land.

Persistance + Constant organisational growth = greater market share.


台長: 陽光的笑
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