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2012-01-04 21:35:41
2011-10-20 11:34:42
2011-09-02 20:33:44

Focus! Focus focus

Ok I'm getting distracted - I can't take my eyes off the game just because I havegarnered small success at the beginning.Where is my 6th case? 7th case? 8th case? 9th case? and the big 10th case?Where...

2011-08-30 20:40:38


挖賽好久沒有感覺和什麼人這麼來電了! 我要記住上次追AMR失敗的教訓 我想這下我會比較懂得追女生了吧??1. 感覺緊張就微笑2. 感覺insecure就閉嘴不講話3. 不要一下就全盤托出4. 多問人家問題少講自己這個有點男生味的...

2011-08-21 22:07:45


啊! 最近有好多好玩的party, 可惜都沒錢去, 所有錢都回放到生意裡面了啦!沒關係, 我可以忍受6個月不玩的生活

2011-08-21 08:46:42

既然要做, 就要雄霸一方!

這個禮拜成交了第一筆的交易, 錢進賬.雖然以投資的金額來看, 收入無非是滴水而已, 但這是第一步. 以後會有第二筆, 第三筆, 第一百筆!既然要做了, 我要做北部最好的, 牌子最大的一家!如今大開闊斧就這麼進入商界, 發現...

2011-08-11 20:57:48

Wow I'm great at sales!

A natural, I am!I'm so good at making instant connections with people, I'm able to sell anything to anyone! I'm funny at times, knowledgeable at times, serious at times and compassionate at times. Peo...

2011-08-01 14:03:54


Focus. I tell myself. All these tests placed before me are supposed to be the journey.I can build this business single handedly, with or without him. I'm confident in my ability to meet the targets re...

2011-07-24 18:01:09


妹沒有機會把, 倒是好久不見的jason發短信說剛從上海回來, 求見面.見面吧見面吧, 又索然無味. 無非是牆上一抹蚊子血罷了.貪戀男歡女愛, 可是又要浪漫, 真難啊. 我以為我準備好了, 又好像沒有.到底老天會不會在我準備...

2011-07-24 17:39:48


No wonder Faye loved him back in the day.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Km2mEoB4ZYRIP Amy Winehouse

2011-07-23 18:39:21

Polanski's new firm: can't wait!

How do youresist a strong cast like this? Roman Polanski's new film 'Carnage'.

2011-07-22 20:47:50
2011-07-21 18:40:12

My Miracle Blog!!

It's happening again! Thank you so much!I got my first business today! Two days after posting my targets!!Well technically 'I' didn't get the business, my salesperson got it, but still counts no? Hone...

2011-07-19 19:31:07

Targets are for targeting

Oh my, I heard how well Bundleberg is doing, by comparison the Melbourne teams are falling far behind!Alright stop fussing about, time to put on my serious hat and get those targets!!July - 1August - ...

2011-07-07 21:23:36

How to be a female boss

I've got 3 staff working for me, I have to learn how to be a betterleader.So far the relationship between everyone is smooth, as we are all at the stage of getting to know one another. What my concern...

2011-07-03 10:42:39

Internet Addiction must STOP

I wasso addicted to the internet but I've made the decision to only use it for work purposes.I'm starting to devote my time instead on books, DVDs, telephoning friends, house choirs etc.Fresh start, s...

2011-07-02 22:02:14

2011/07/01 昨天幾件事

1. 和Victor正式分手2. S通過'Fallin' For You'向我告白, 我居然有觸電的感覺 - 可是這不對不對不對不對!!3. 今天和T去看畫展, 交談甚歡4. 我懷疑自己是internalised homophobe5. 我24歲的願望沒有許, 我要許第一個願...

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第 3 / 7 頁 , 共 95 筆