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2011-05-12 19:55:11| 人氣120| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Don't you know that I want to be more than just your friend 

Holding hands is fine 

But I have got better things on my mind. 

You know it could happen 

If you’d only see me in a different night 

Baby when we find get together 

You will see that I was right 

Say you love me 

You know that I be nice 

If you only say you love me 

Don't treat me like was ice 

Please love me 

I will yours and you will mine 

If you only say you love me baby 

Things would really work out fine 


Don't treat me like was ice 
Please love me 
I will yours and you will mine 

台長: Eliette


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