n yrs havn't type this diary...
follow jose to pose smthing here!
i do think tht the pts' very interesting ga ha.... =O="
10. 最有異性緣-金牛B 天秤O *天蠍O[tht's ME!!!] 處女AB
13. 最不易上當-天蠍 [errrr...]
22. 最性感-天蠍 [er.. errrrrr..........]
38. 最神秘-天蠍 [wow!]
39. 最不相信人性-天蠍 [errrrrrr...............]
45. 最易羞澀-金牛A巨蟹天蠍 [coughing..]
48. 生氣時最可怕-天蠍 [tht's true! so dun make me feel angry!]
56. 翻臉最徹底-天蠍 [yes! i am! tht's the way i am!!!]
65. 最大男人主義-天蠍牡羊 [ but small "womenism"]
67. 最會記恨-處女天蠍 [errrr..... may be]
84. 最講義氣-天蠍獅子 [of coz! it's undeniable!]
104. 最會做生意-山羊天蠍 [wow! reli?]
138. 最陰險-天蠍 [hahahaha...! reli??? ho ying ar me!]
140. 最怕吵-天蠍 [yup yup yup...]
142. 最會口是心非-天蠍雙子處女 [always ga la!]
144. 最深謀遠慮-天蠍 [hahahaha! ho ging ar!!!]
145. 佔有慾最強-天蠍 [of coz!!!! peter's mine!!!! >w<]
154. 最適合做007-天蠍 [wht? 007 lor!]
172. 最好色-天蠍 [actually tht's true! i'm so proud of myself!]
215. 最會保秘-天蠍 [ngng!! trust me then!]
217. 最有判斷力-處女B天蠍 [wow!!!!!!!!!]
231. 最喜歡黑色-天蠍 [but i like pink more!]
237. 最會挖秘密-天蠍 [reli??? how cum i duno?]
238. 最有個人魅力-天蠍O [oh! tht's true la!!! >w<]
245. 話最少-天蠍 [er.... it depends...]
248. 最需要紓解壓力-天蠍 [ha????]
251. 最是不婚主義-天蠍 [HAAAAAAAAAAAAA???? =_="]
264. 最有偷窺慾-天蠍 [dead air....]
269. 最喜歡潑人家冷水-天蠍!!! [ hahaha!!!! so funi!!!]
271. 最勇於追求真愛-天蠍 [oh!]
272. 最常被暗戀的對象-天秤天蠍 [dun mention it anymore... =_=]
275. 比賽中最常見的黑馬-天蠍 [i wanna be the white one]
330. 最是翻臉跟翻書一樣-天蠍 [okay fine~]
331. 最喜歡挑戰困難-天蠍 [absolutely yes!]
345. 最心機重重-天蠍 [ummm... why they said me like this ga??]
367. 最敢愛又敢恨-天蠍 [super ying ar me!]
370. 男生最溫柔體貼-天蠍 [i hope u can do this >w<]
389. 最不容易說出內心的話-天蠍 [yes...!]
395. 最獨立-天蠍 [ha???? opposite is the correct ans....]
401. 說話最毒-天蠍 [ng hai ar???????????????]
finish luuuuu
i'm reali enjoying this moment
coz tmr i can see u again
i'm juz wondering when i can wear the cloth u gave me..
i reli like it vvvvvvvvery much!
perhaps, u'd better buy me a [lin]
i mean... bracelet?
hhahahah.... then i can wear it everyday........
dun worry.. i must like wht u buy for me
coz i like u ma...! [wht thm. is tht!? >3<]
anyway, i'm not juz love yr present
but i love yr whole body, including yr soul >w<
ugly word, beautiful meaning
[i duno wht i'm talkin' abt]
so, i'm gotta study bio.
or else i must die in HKCEE.......... [touch wood]
i must win ga!
fight for the exam again
if i'm not sleepy................... >w< !!!