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2007-10-06 11:09:11| 人氣189| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

06-10-2007 " True LOVE "

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Key concept: Opening to the ever-deepening romance and growth of true partnership

True Love is not just about romance.
It is the card of someone who has the gift of being a true partner, someone whose qualities lend themselves to being the perfect partner to heal, love and learn with for a lifetime.

Typically, there are a number of people who you meet in the course of your life who could fit this description.

This card asks you to be open to the one who is present in your life now (or is about to be), and to have the courage to commit.

If you have a partner, this means you are just about to have another true love breakthrough. ’Honeymoon, here I come!’

With the True Love card, it is important to recognise that there is nothing to do, but everything to allow.

So allow your inspiration to carry you forward in whatever is necessary, and let things unfold naturally.

This is typically one of the gifts people cherish most in life. Yet it is not an end in itself; it is just the beginning.

You will still be called upon to learn all the lessons of successful relationships.

After the initial romance period, true love could be an ever-deepening growth, an ever more profound partnership, on your way Home.

True Love states that there is the possibility through the love in your relationship to help bring Heaven to earth.

Using the card:
If you get this card, you are asked to recognise that the person in the situation (or who is about to be in the situation) will provide the inspiration through any problem.

If there is a block, you are being asked to notice that the block itself is trying to distract or divert you from true love, which is already present or is about to be present.

The only purpose of the block has been to hide this gift, and to give you control, either of the relationship or of yourself.

As with any gift, if you pay attention to the gift itself, the block will begin to melt away.

Receiving this card, know that your heart wants to open in a new birth, and that it wants to give itself wholly…and receive everything more fully.

台長: 幸福。白合
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