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2005-07-08 16:18:00


填詞:陳俊昌 作曲:劉振儀 編曲:劉振儀 微橙的街燈代替了夕陽的迷濛 不讓黑暗籠蓋了地層 陪伴著它一直到明晨 喜歡獨自一個慢步在已經熟睡的都城 細訴著我心裡的疼 期盼奇蹟明天與我相逢 知不知道 心...

2005-07-05 14:30:20

Set Me Free

天黑了 雨下了 心灰了 就哭了 美好的 開心的 我們都忘了 該寫的 該說的 該愛的 我都已經給了 空虛了 心累了 孤單坐在這 Set me Free Oh孤單 Oh孤單 Oh孤單 Let Me Free 故事不是這樣的結...

2005-07-01 14:47:27


我問  什麼回憶最可憐 是不是在很久很久之後 想很久以前 我愛過  可是找不到永遠 看著時間拿走我的紀念 愛上妳又恨透這種思念 誰愛過誰 誰又吻過誰的從前  於是我們目送愛的嘴臉 漸漸的走遠...

2005-07-01 14:01:38


(北海30訊)大批的“缺德釘”再次出現在通往檳城大橋的高速公路,在整二十輛電單車騎士紛紛面對爆胎後,才被拖車公司人員發覺有人在大道旁釘了兩排20餘支的3吋鐵釘在大賺缺德錢。 基於發覺事態嚴重,該公司人員也...

2005-06-30 15:17:09

I'll always be there...

When that day was not your day, things that you done all went wrong... I feel tired, frustrated, no mood... Some times do think :"Why I'm so suffer? Why I still have to keep it on? When will the...

2005-06-30 15:15:40

I\'ll always be there...

When that day was not your day, things that you done all went wrong... I feel tired, frustrated, no mood... Some times do think :"Why I'm so suffer? Why I still have to keep it on? When will the...

2005-06-25 17:20:09


當你開始追尋你要的自由 放開我們緊握的手 帶走我的愛和天空 我不知所措 我以為我會懂 我們的愛 我們的愛 當我獨自走到時間的盡頭  回憶和我擦身而過 帶走你的愛和笑容  我無力承受 最後的一點心痛...

2005-06-24 14:26:13


从你眼睛 看着自己 最幸福的倒影 握在手心的默契 是明天的指引 无论是远近 什么世纪 在天堂拥抱 或荒野流离 我爱你 我敢去 未知的任何命运 我爱你 我愿意 准你来跋扈地决定 世界边境 偶尔我真的不懂...

2005-06-24 10:02:09

Family Day

What is the previous time for your family days? Or should I ask: Have you ever celebrating family days? No need answer me as that not what I concern. What I concern is, do we treasure the mom...

2005-06-23 18:05:11

\"Class Stand!\"

Its been a long time I not back to school... When I enter the class... "Class Stand! Thank you teacher..." Just like I enter into the time portal, back to the past. All the happiness, sadn...

2005-06-22 16:13:13


I don't know why my mind appear these words when I look at "them", ... "Meeting the right person at the right time, is a whole life happiness" "Meeting the wrong person at the right time, is a p...

2005-06-22 13:12:34


To us, may be it just a shallow water. But to "them", they might be drown because of that! Our life do alike... may be to us, some decisions, things, words are just like that water, no big deal! Bu...

2005-06-21 17:07:51

Proceed? Backward?

When we on the streets, some times we do can get confused with the sign, especially those places that new to us... Which one have to follow? Which one is correct? and which one is wrong? Our lif...

2005-06-17 14:08:46


不法之徒在檳威大橋撒釘子的詭計遭識破后,如今竟又想出另一個辦法,將 釘子直接釘入橋上的路面內,而且單在一個週二早上,共有20多輛摩多和汽車中招,痛失無妄之財。 報紙曾在上個月前,報導有關不法之徒...

2005-06-14 15:02:58

Life Performance

This is not an effect. This is REAL PERFORMANCE!!! This is one of her performance. The other one is "eating-glass" Last time this kind of performance I only can watch it thru TV. Now when I saw ...

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