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2006-07-13 00:23:10| 人氣207| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Let It Dive

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Now that our ties are served
As we say goodbye
Let us not wonder whether
We are ready to take the dive

Let it dive, let it die, let it fade out of sight
Let it drag us down, let it fade

Grieve, but not grieve together
Mourn with nothing to say
Gone are those times forever
Lost as those sweet warm other days

Let it dive, let it die, let it fade out
of sight
Let it drag us down, let it come between you and I
Let it dive, let it die, let it fade

Where we born to despair
Deeds done but not forgiven?
There will always be something there
As long as one of us goes on living

Let it dive, let it die
Let it fade out of sight
Let it drag us down, let it come between you and I
What’s done is done, no reason to apologize
Let it dive, let it die, let it fade


這也是在 MVP Baseball 2005 中有的歌....
名叫 " And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead "....
這首歌收錄於 " Worlds Apart" ....
於 2005 / 01 所發的片....
要價 $ 408 ....

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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 音樂 |
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