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我們的音樂發表會在CITY NEWS報導唷~期待下次的發表會!!!

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Chinese Church Songwriting Showcase

On 14 June 2009, City Harvest Chinese Church held their second Songwriting Showcase for the year. Creativity unfolded as budding songwriters were given the chance to showcase their works, comprising of original contemporary songs, before an audience of 60. There was also a special performance by a Japanese singing group formed out of the School of Theology’s International Idol competition.

The Songwriting Showcase is the brainchild of 32-year-old web designer, Allen Yu. In February 2007, along with a few of his friends who share his passion for writing songs, Yu was inspired to organize a talent showcase to provide a platform for closet songwriters to openly share their creative works with other like-minded individuals. In April 2007, the first Songwriting Showcase was presented with huge success.

Chinese Church Songwriting Showcase
PHOTOS: Hung Jing Yi

Apart from providing a platform for budding songwriters to showcase their works, this creative event aims to discover more songwriting talents, and to start forum or support group where like-minded songwriters and musicians can share their ideas and passion with one another.

There is currently no limit to the type of songs submitted for the Showcase, and most of the songs written so far are contemporary pop. In the near future, however, the organizing committee is considering tagging a theme to each Songwriting Showcase. Themes will be positive in nature, reflecting messages of faith, hope, love and peace.

Judging by the feedback Yu and his partners have received from the participants and audience alike, the next Songwriting Showcase is eagerly anticipated. Candy Qin from the School Of Theology noted, “The whole atmosphere at the Showcase was charged with excitement. This event is an excellent platform for creativity to flow. I am really looking forward to the next one!”

The organizing committee aims to make the Songwriting Showcase a regular feature in the Chinese Church by having it bi-monthly. The committee is also looking at the possibility of staging this event in a public venue.

To provide a greater challenge for the participants in the near future, songwriters will have to source for their own band and back-up vocalists. Yu reasons that by having their own band and singers, songwriters will have a better control over the music arrangement. Ultimately, he hopes that someday, Songwriting Showcase will have its own house band and singers. The Songwriting Showcase is indeed an effective way to induce creativity and unveil hidden talents. To find out more or to participate in the showcase, interested parties may log on to http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=236213985192&ref=mf&__a=1

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