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2009-04-29 13:07:18| 人氣1,503| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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這是06年 我剛來新加坡的念神學院的照片~ 

第一天開學日 我記得我穿了大黃色的衣服 很像香蕉(最前面的那位)

我發揮我以前康輔社帶團的看家本領 帶大家一起喊對呼~

(有山就有水呀 有水就有魚阿~一喔一 喔一喔 喔~一喔...

**///不知道那時為啥有勇氣喊這隊呼 還搞啦啦隊哩~)



很想念我台灣的朋友 他們現在都各自回到自己的教會&工作崗位喔 為主發光發熱喔

我右手邊的兩位 一位已經結婚 一位當了媽媽囉  最右邊那位白衣小姐嫁去香港囉

若你的生命也被神呼召 我鼓勵你 一定要來走一遭


不只是聖經知識 而是從多方面教導你 建立強盛的婚姻生活

從聖經的角度 管理你的經濟 教導你人際關係 奉獻的觀念


期末我們也有測驗 大家輪流講道 帶唱歌 帶遊戲


上課時 一開始唱歌敬拜

每一個神學生都從不同地方而來  我那屆有兩百多位學生 有一百多來自海外

我的朋友~有香港 印度 印尼 台灣 中國 日本 還有本地新加坡人

記得我喜歡問每一位同學 為什麼你會來到這裡?

從每個人口中都說出他們不同獨特的故事  很激勵人的

大家都被分配到不同的組 這是我們的Team6


最後幾天 神學院讓大家有個美好的聚餐 我們根康牧師&陳牧師合照


畢業的那天 真的好興奮 永遠記得歐格牧師對我們說的話

說船開始啟帆 要繼續往前...永不後退 也永不放棄!!!


過程雖有苦有艱辛 但結果卻甜美  是信心的旅程



June 2007 
Testimony shared by Cindy Ng in City Harvest Church

My husband, Bobby, and I met in church and have been serving God fulltime since we were in our early 20s. Our work in church all these year has been fulfilling and I have never envisioned myself doing anything else. Recently, however, God showed me that He has something more for my life.

True Stories To Inspire: Cindy NgTrue Stories To Inspire: Cindy Ng

In 2006, Kong Hee preached a message about “Fulfilling Dreams” and how we should use our talents to engage the marketplace. He encouraged us to start doing things we’ve dreamed of doing, but never dared to do. I recalled that ever since I was young, I have always been attracted to colors and fashion. I used to love flipping through fashion magazines and was always intrigued by the creative art of makeup.

Bobby and I discussed the idea of pursuing my interests in cosmetics and styling. But to do that, I needed formal training and that was a challenge for us in terms of time, energy and finances. I would have to juggle between my job, my cell group ministry and parenting. Inspired by the message and wanting to step out in faith, we decided to give it a shot.

In March 2006, I enrolled myself into a professional makeup course. After completing the training course, I became a certified makeup artist and started to venture into making money from this newfound trade. Through the grace of God, many doors opened for me. I was involved in various projects such as, the Miss Singapore World Charity Event, an Escada fashion show, Style Weddings magazine’s Bridal Bash event, Toni & Guy Academy’s Graduation, and other commercial shoots. The exposure was a great eye opener for me. I had a glimpse into the fashion industry, communicated with models from different nationalities and learned to perform under pressure. Instead of being intimidated, I became more and more confident as I worked with professionals.

In 2007 this year, Kong taught a new series about “Engaging Culture.” Once again, my faith was stirred to move up another level. Once again, Bobby and I discussed about it, and we decided that I should enroll myself for a professional course in Image Consultation.

I believe wholeheartedly in what Kong shared about how “we are saved to fulfill the Cultural Mandate and contribute to our society in a significant way as a believer.” I will continue to do my part in engaging culture and impacting the society positively in every way I can.





台長: 原.始.人
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此分類上一篇:New Look! 十八歲後就沒有剪這麼短啦


P.S. OMG~ 某一张的小角落小嬡看到自己的头!
2009-04-29 17:21:36
Hii, I’m Elaine from K.L.. seem very enjoyable study in SOT.. I wish to go there study also^^ still in praying..
2009-07-16 02:23:18
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