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2005-07-18 18:10:29| 人氣135| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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My name is 遍人布. Growing up in a small country,
I have been created simple but modest.
I have played volleyball since I was ten . Step by step,
it becomes all my focus in daily life. Luckily,
I joined in the school team and won some awards.
Sometimes I still play it as a best way to express my press and also relieve not only physically but mentally.
Since I became a student of food & beverage,
I have realized that food is nothing but important associated with everyone.
I enjoyed in this field pretty much and have comprehended that this is what I have searched for.
I hope I can have the chance to learn more in this area.

我的英文自介 claren幫我寫的
原以為面試時會問 還好沒有
對不起C 我面試還是沒過
這也是該學習的 這似乎出現過在我夢中 那樣的對談
包誇現在打工的場所 我相信夢

很多事還沒說 等著吧

台長: 遍人布


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