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2007-05-19 20:18:57| 人氣79| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

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All the things she said 每一字每一句
All the things she said 每一字每一句
Running through my head 閃過我的腦海裡
Running through my head 閃過我的腦海裡
Running through my head 閃過我的腦海裡
All the things she said 每一字每一句
All the things she said 每一字每一句
Running through my head 閃過我的腦海裡
Running through my head 閃過我的腦海裡
All the things she said 每一字每一句
This is not enough 這還不夠嗎

I’m in serious *****, I feel totally lost 我麻煩大了, 我感覺我好像迷失了一樣
If I’m asking for help it’s only because 如果我尋求幫助 那只是單純因為
Being with you has opened my eyes 跟妳在一起讓我大開眼界
Could I ever believe such a perfect surprise? 那可真是個難以置信的驚喜

I keep asking myself, wondering how 我一直問我自己 ,猜想著原因
I keep closing my eyes but I can’t block you out 我閉上我的雙眼 卻無法將妳的身影視而不見
Wanna fly to a place where it’s just you and me 想要飛到一個只有屬於妳我的世界
Nobody else so we can be free 沒有其他人 這樣我們就能自由了

All the things she said 每一字每一句
All the things she said 每一字每一句
Running through my head 閃過我的腦海裡
Running through my head 閃過我的腦海裡
Running through my head 閃過我的腦海裡
All the things she said 每一字每一句
All the things she said 每一字每一句
Running through my head 閃過我的腦海裡
Running through my head 閃過我的腦海裡
All the things she said 每一字每一句
This is not enough 這還不夠嗎
This is not enough 這還不夠嗎

All the things she said 每一字每一句
All the things she said 每一字每一句
All the things she said 每一字每一句
All the things she said 每一字每一句
All the things she said 每一字每一句

And I’m all mixed up, feeling cornered and rushed 我腦中一團糟 我感覺我好莽撞
They say it’s my fault but I want her so much 他們說都是我的錯 可是我真的好愛她
Wanna fly her away where the sun and rain 想要遠離這個是非之地 然後去一個
Come in over my face, wash away all the shame 雨水和陽光會洗掉我的恥辱的地方
When they stop and stare - don’t worry me 當他們用異樣的眼光看我時 -不用擔心我
Cause I’m feeling for her what she’s feeling for me 因為我們心靈相
I can try to pretend, I can try to forget
But it’s driving me mad, going out of my head

All the things she said 每一字每一句
All the things she said 每一字每一句
Running through my head 閃過我的腦海裡
Running through my head 閃過我的腦海裡
Running through my head 閃過我的腦海裡
All the things she said 每一字每一句
All the things she said 每一字每一句
Running through my head 閃過我的腦海裡
Running through my head 閃過我的腦海裡
All the things she said 每一字每一句
This is not enough 這還不夠嗎
This is not enough 這還不夠嗎

All the things she said 每一字每一句
All the things she said 每一字每一句
All the things she said 每一字每一句
All the things she said 每一字每一句
All the things she said 每一字每一句
All the things she said 每一字每一句
All the things she said 每一字每一句
All the things she said 每一字每一句
All the things she said 每一字每一句

Mother looking at me 媽媽 看著我
Tell me what do you see? 跟我說 妳看到了什麼
Yes, I’ve lost my mind 是的 我已經失去理智了

Daddy looking at me 爸爸 看著我
Will I ever be free? 我自由過嗎?
Have I crossed the line? 我是不是太過份了?

All the things she said 每一字每一句
All the things she said 每一字每一句
Running through my head 閃過我的腦海裡
Running through my head 閃過我的腦海裡
Running through my head 閃過我的腦海裡
All the things she said 每一字每一句
All the things she said 每一字每一句
Running through my head 閃過我的腦海裡
Running through my head 閃過我的腦海裡
All the things she said 每一字每一句
This is not enough 這還不夠嗎
This is not enough 這還不夠嗎

他 們 的 M V 

讓 我 印 相 很 深 刻 

真 的 好 酷 ˊ ˇ ˋ

台長: 笨 呆 ܤ 佑 佑 
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全站分類: 彩虹同志(同志心情、資訊) | 個人分類: 》佑 佑  |
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