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2014-05-25 16:30:35| 人氣30| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇
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Turn TV time into learning time with PBS favorite and 2011 Midsouth Emmy® award-winning Mother Goose Club! Popular Mother Goose Club characters will have kids giggling, clapping and dancing their way to learning words and sounds in over 40 minutes of uninterrupted nursery rhyme fun. Five 5-minute segments feature sing-a-longs, storytelling and lots of rhymes! Includes kids' most beloved songs "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "Buckle My Shoe". Winner of twelve awards in 2011 from leading parenting and educational organizations.

台長: 中天影視
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全站分類: 電視賞析(綜藝、戲劇、影集、節目)

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