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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Love is changeable.
It is an adventurous breeze.
Sometimes you are not able
To handle it with ease.

Love was sweet.
Every time we werw hugging and kissing
Whenever we met.
Seeing each other was a blessing.

Love was sour.
Once I stayed at home alone.
Waited for him for hours
But Idid not know what he had done.

Love was salt.
One night on the street corner filled with fear.
I saw him hanging out with a pretty girl.
Suddenly, I burst into tears.

Love was bitter.
I decided to break up but his words were so impressive.
"Stay or leave?Which choice is better ?"
I hated myself for being indecisive.

Love is a dream.
You enjoy it when it is sweet.
You will fel frustrated by its salty and bitter stream.
Its sourness is puzzling but encourages you to move on,
get back on your feet.

7:05 AM - add eprs - 傻佬` - 傻婆`

台長: 小鴨`
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