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2004-12-31 01:36:26| 人氣224| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Wanna make a difference?

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Wanna make a difference? Please....

Direct transfer to the "Hong Kong Red Cross South Asia Relief Fund" bank accounts: HSBC 500-334149-010; Hang Seng Bank 267-175123-009; Bank of China 806-0-003403-3; Bank of East Asia 514-40-66899-02.

Send crossed cheques, payable to "Hong Kong Red Cross South Asia Relief Fund", to Hong Kong Red Cross International and Relief Service Department, 33 Harcourt Road, Wan Chai.

Online donations can be made and credit card donation forms downloaded from www.redcross.org.hk

Other agencies

Medecins Sans Frontieres Hong Kong Donate to HSBC account 002-2-398226. Send cheques made out to MSF Hong Kong to: MSF Hong Kong, Shop 5B, Laichikok Bay Garden, 272 Lai King Hill Road, Kowloon. State that donation is for the "December 04 earthquake victims".

Salvation Army Donation account numbers HSBC 580-149649-001; Bank of China 012-878-1-044486-6; Bank of East Asia 015-515-10-30085-4

World Vision Donation account numbers: HSBC 018-377077-003; Bank of China 012-883-0-002-666-2; Hang Seng Bank 286-364385-005. Send cheques payable to World Vision Hong Kong to: World Vision Hong Kong, Freepost 69. Donate online at www.worldvision.org.hk. There are credit card donation forms on the site, which can be sent to Freepost 69 or faxed to 2394 4844 or 2789 4744.

Oxfam Donation account numbers: HSBC 047-834668-001; Bank of China 012-874-0-010515-7. Credit card donations can be made online at oxfam.org.hk

台長: Sheep


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