Treat all the patients as your relatives
當值夜 一般忙碌
但心情輕鬆 -- 沒有病人要做CRP呢
三時多跟同伴一起吃宵夜[護士們吃剩的東西]-- 肚子一餓, 什麼都是美食
Dr Mak 剛休假回來, 第二天便評估小弟這三個月的實習表現. All items are "good", 問我滿不滿意. 貪婪的我怎會放過加分的機會? "可以在communication and willingness to learn 這兩項寫得更好嗎?" Mak 哥大方爽快, gave me "excellent" in those two items, 還多送我一個"excellent in responsibility". 咩咩咩, 終極評核,過程好像有點兒草率?-- 其他的實習同伴羡慕不已.
Men in 30's, attempted suicide by burning charcoal; LOC and fell onto charcoal; third degree burn over scalp; flap done but failed; wound dressing by me daily
Men in 40's, post-OGD, complained of scapular pain; CBC and Troponin I ordered by Priscilla; CXR added by me; patient had acute myocardial infarction in the morning. Dr Lai asked why there was no ECG done... 咩...
閑時翻看余秋雨的"行者無疆", 感受中西文化差距
很想購買digital camera.....