解釋 一種經濟學的貨幣理論。幣質惡劣和幣質優良的二種名目相等、實質相異的貨幣,共同在一個經濟社會流通,則實質優良的貨幣會被收藏、熔解或輸出,而退出流通圈外,只有實質惡劣的貨幣繼續流通。
Reference :
Bad Money Drives Out of Good Money
somtimes i just think this is life itself.
and this rule suits everywhere
don’t even think you will find a better place;
you have to realize the reality.
well, that day DC看到我螢幕上寫的字, 真的是很醒目
then DC asked me why wrote
i just wrote this to alert myself
( ACTUALLY, the one who asked about that is exactly the bad moeny)
don’t know i am the bad moeny or the good money
maybe in some other way, both ba~
well, this law suits Taiwan very well.
Double 10, 2006