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2007-05-12 23:44:36

♠ 該面對的事實 ♠

為什麼 學業真的很重要 ? 或許許多人都把學業放第壹 T O M E 我選擇自由與快樂第壹 我啾算考上樂音樂班又怎樣 我學科也...

2007-05-12 22:23:44

♠ 我所擁有的 ♠

Y E A H T H A T ’ S W H A T I ’ V E G O T G E T U P A T E I G H T E V E R Y S A T U R D A Y G O T O C L A S S A T N I N E A ...

2007-05-12 00:47:39

♠ S oRrY ♠

I J U S T R E A L L Y C A N ’ T I K N O W T H E T R U T H A N D I K N O W W H A T I S G O I N G O N N O W O R H A P P E N I N G ...

2007-05-12 00:19:45

♠ 脆弱 ♠

如果 友誼是那麼的脆弱 那 L E T ’ S M A K E I T B R A V E I M S O R R Y I J U S T D O N ’ T K N O W Y O U W E ...

2007-05-09 00:08:48

♠ I KNOW ♠

也許知道 或許不該 是我太蠢 也許壹值以來都是拔    。

2007-05-07 19:10:54

♠ 氣 ♠

佈是我要說 倪有錢 不如存下來 等到倪哪天又闖出什麼事的時候 可以用 不存 跑去買那個噁爛的飲料 什麼百香果綠 + 珍珠 + 椰果 + 【 百香果子 】 那種東西能喝嘛 ? 百...

2007-05-06 20:22:11

♥ Hilary Duff - With Love ♥

I don’t mind you telling me What’s been on your mind lately I don’t mind you speaking up I know sometimes I can be All wrapped up and into me I can be in such a rush Just slow me down Sl...

2007-05-06 20:19:28

♥ Ciara - Get Up ♥

He said ’Hi, my name is so and so Baby can you tell me yours? You look like you came to do One thing (Set it off)’ I started on the left And I had to take him to the right He was out of breat...

2007-05-06 20:18:27

♥ Hilary Duff - Dreamer ♥

Bum I’m at the grocery store and there you are just watchin’ me Bum Pick up my clothes from the cleaners and look who I see Bum I try to loose you in my car but you won’t go away, Come on b...

2007-05-06 20:06:15

♥Ashley Tisdale - Suddenly ♥

Suddenly I, am in front of the lights Everything, I’m feeling Scary and beautiful at the same time And every day I try just to breathe I want to show the whole world The truth inside of me S...

2007-05-06 20:03:25

♥ Ashley Tisdale - Headstrong ♥

I’m a straight up kind of girl, I am I’mma tellin’ it like it is, I am And that’s just the kind of girl I am Head up, Hands up tell me You’re a hiding it kind of boy, You are (I’m pretty ...

2007-05-06 19:51:54

♠ 算我太衰 ♠

是我太衰拔ˇ 不想說出事實 卻讓自己受委曲 那家店的蓋子自己沒蓋好 而且那個帶子本來啾有點小小的破洞 車子在開的時候不是會晃 ? 那湯灑出來啾不是我的錯...

2007-05-05 23:51:14

♠ 早知道 ♠

煩噎ˇ 之前有壹次 我早上喝早餐店的奶茶 然後早餐店的奶茶布都是紅茶 在擠壹堆奶精進去的嘛 ? 那天喝完以後 我開始頭暈暈的ˇ 那天剛好假日 要上家教...

2007-05-05 23:34:14

♠ 我的餅乾 ♠

          倪是智障嘛 ?           別人的餅乾要吃布會問嘛 ?      為什麼我門家的人      想要吃什麼                     啾直接...

2007-05-05 00:24:20

♠ 娘砲 ♠

今天體育課 我跟羊咩壹起走 正當要走到地下室的時候 有人喊 娘砲 也許沒有指名道姓 也許正在說的人啾是 ... 也許我也知道是誰 Y O U K ...

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