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2009-10-19 19:09:44| 人氣193| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Life's not that serious

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As a child I was considered to be a dreamer and a thinker.

I was intense and took life very seriously. In my earlier years this caused me a great deal of pain. My father constantly wanted me to stop dreaming and start doing.

I pondered over everything and analysed life way too much. My imaginary world was perfect, but my day-to-day reality was not nearly as perfect as the world in my head.

I don't think much has changed since then except for one thing - I am working hard on a daily basis not to take myself and life too seriously. My friends often remind me to "hang loose" and have more fun. I truly appreciate this constant reminder to take myself lightly and to go with the flow.

Often, when I spot people who take themselves so seriously that they can just explode, I only hope I don't do that "serious" thing that often.

A while ago I was invited to address members of a big blue-chip corporate and we had loads of fun. The feedback came in a few days later and, although I had the highest score of all the speakers, a few "serious" people didn't appreciate my informal approach to life.

True to my nature, I took the feedback and started worrying about the fact that I could have offended someone or said something out of line or missed the point, etc, etc. It was only when I called a friend to discuss this matter that he reminded me that I was taking life too seriously, just like the two people who had complained.

When it comes to life, know these few facts:

You cannot please all of the people all of the time. There will be people who you will disappoint by just being yourself. Do you have to change for them? Most definitely not. If you are not intentionally harming them or hurting them, you shouldn't change.

It is your obligation to be yourself. Be authentic to yourself, the people you love and the world in general, and develop yourself to become the greatest you can be.

The quality of your own life and that of others is dramatically enhanced if you put a smile on your face, and even more so if you can put a smile on someone else's face too.

Laughter releases stress and heals the body, mind and soul. Learning to laugh will be the most rewarding skill you can attain in your life.

So, in the final analysis:

Be authentic;

Don't take yourself too seriously;

Don't take life too seriously;

Endeavour to put a smile on your face and the faces of those around you; and

Laugh it off if they can't take a joke. Be happy and show it!!!

台長: 晨曦
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