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2006-07-27 19:00:29| 人氣566| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Wedding Ceremony

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我將成為Mrs. Kmetova











還看到那麼多人 更加緊張 還差點被禮服給絆倒 糗到不行



在斯洛伐克文致詞後 再唸一次英文

還好有翻成英文 因為致詞實在有點感人


Dear engaged couple, welcome to the marriage bureau of the town of Kremnica.
You will give your affiance to the hands of Mr. Zoltan Beczanyi who is MP of the town Kremnica.

Dear newly married couple!
You have confirmed your marriage promise by the exchange of your rings.
The shape of the rings expresses your love and connection.
To declare that your two separate lives you are joining in to one,
I would like to ask you to light candle of your family happiness.
The flame of the candle will protect not only your love but also your family life.
Dear alderman, / poslanec /
I introduce you the engaged couple, who made an application for contracting marriage.

The bridegroom / fiance; / Michael Kmet;,
Permanent address : Liptovský Mikuláš, Medze 514/26
Citizen of the Slovak republic

Bride / fiancee;/ Mei- ju Chang
Permanent address: Tai-pei, ....
Citizen of the Republic of China, Taiwan

The witnesses are: Mr. Roman Žabka, /identificaton number:/
and Mrs. Silvia ....

The engaged couple in their application declare, that do not know any circumstances which exclude contract marriage. They do know their state of health and after their marriage they will use names:
He: Kmet, She: Chang – Kmetova

According to the law and attached documents to the application for contracting marriage are both Mei-ju and Michael able to contract marriage. The competence of the Townhall of Kremnica is based on the permit of the townhall of Liptovský Mikuláš.
I interpret the wish of the couple to realise the marriage ceremony.
Dear Mei-ju, dear Michael,
Today you are giving to each other the sweetest gifts: your love, life, hope for future and also resolution to find together solid strands for your
Troubled waters of life.

I do express my whole-hearted wish that your promise of true-heartedness,
which you will give each other in several seconds, will be good basis for your whole life.

You are young and full of imaginations about your future happy shelter.
The warm fire-place to which you will come back again and again. This warm palce will give you power to overcome days full of troubles.
To reach the wishing purpose of your lives it is necessery to realise that by now the decisions you have made were only about yourselfs, from now you have to think also about your partner’s needs. To love means to live life of the other.

Solve your mutual misunderstandings with tolerance.
Do not try to change your partner according your imaginations and moods but do act so that your cohabitation will be nice and sunny.
Gladness, regard and hope should be often present in your family.

Dear Bride, dear bridegroom,

It will come the time when your love will be even stronger than now. It will be the time when you will have your children. New life will be an ornament of your marriage. Be good ideal for your children by your behaviour, your work, your love. Then in many years will be your gladness, gladness of the whole family.

Your happy common life will be a goft for your parents. They gave you your lives, they were taking care of you, they were trying the best to prepare you for the life.

So respect your parents, they should feel that your upbringing was not useless. In many years, when the hair of your parents will turn to grey, they should feel support from you. This feeling will give your parents new power and hope in the autumn of their lifes.
Dear Mei-ju, dear Michael,
now I would like to ask you to express your approval with your marriage!

Dear newly married couple,

Only several seconds ago you confirmed by your signatures your decision
to live your lifes together as husband and wife. In the future you shouldn’t think in the terms “Me and You” but WE.

We all in this room wish you, that your today’s decision you will think of something as very good step in your lives.

The memory of today should be in your minds during your whole lives.
Love, trust and faithfulness should be with you during next common days!





台長: Gloria
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此分類下一篇:25 weeks

Dear Gloria,

很佩服妳, 一個人到異國結婚的勇氣ㄟ

祝妳們幸福甜蜜 ^^

2006-07-28 10:33:13
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