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蜂蜜和肉桂的混合物能治愈大多數疾病。 Ayurvedic 和 Yunani 醫學,一直都使用 蜂蜜作為這幾個世紀以來,重要的醫學研究。 今日的科學家也接受蜂蜜可以治愈大 多數疾病。 蜂蜜可用在各種疾病且沒有任何副作用。 今日的科學也指出,蜂蜜雖 甜,但適當的劑量並不危害患有糖尿病的病患。一本加拿大著名的雜誌 "Weekly World News" 於 1995/1/17 曾發表,蜂蜜和肉桂可以治愈下列等疾病。

關節炎 微溫的水加入一匙蜂蜜及一小匙肉桂粉,在身體發癢的地方塗上並按摩。 大部份疼 痛可在15分鐘內退去。 關節炎病患每天可飲一杯加入兩匙蜂蜜和一小匙肉桂粉的熱 水。如果定期喝,慢性關節炎可被治癒。 哥本哈根大學近期做的研究發現,醫生利 用蜂蜜加肉桂粉的混合物來治癒病人,但需在早餐前食用。一星期後,約200名病患 試用此療法,73名病患疼痛在一個月內明顯減少。大部份的病患在試用此療法前, 走路都不太方便,試用後,病患可走路且疼痛也減少了。

掉髮 那些受掉髮或者有禿頭之苦者,可在洗澡前用熱橄欖油,加一大匙蜂蜜及一匙肉桂 粉在頭髮上停留約15分鐘後再洗頭。即使只停留五分鐘也很有效。

膀胱感染 喝一杯加有二大匙肉桂粉及一大匙蜂蜜的熱水,可殺死膀胱裡的細菌。

牙痛 在牙痛的地方,塗上一大匙肉桂粉及五大匙蜂蜜做成的糊狀物, 一天三次,直到 牙齒不痛為止。

膽固醇 二大匙蜂蜜和三大匙肉桂粉加入16盎司的茶,給有膽固醇的病患喝,二個小時內可 減少血液裡10%膽固醇。 一天三次可減少膽固醇含量。 從一本醫學雜誌裡得到的訊 息:Medical Journal 表示,每日飯後食用純的蜂蜜可減少膽固醇。 .

感冒 感冒的人可連續三天食用,一大匙微熱蜂蜜加 1/4 匙肉桂粉。這個過程可治癒慢性 咳嗽、感冒及清理靜脈竇。

不孕 Yunani 和 Ayurvedic 多年來一直使用蜂蜜加強男性的精液。如果陽萎的男性定 期在睡前食用二大匙蜂蜜,他們的問題就可解決。 幾世紀以來,中國、日本及遠東 地區,沒有懷孕及需加強子宮的婦女,都有食用肉桂粉。不能懷孕的婦女,可把半 匙蜂蜜加入少量肉桂粉塗在牙床上,慢慢混著唾液吞入。在美國 Maryland 的一對 夫婦,已經 14 年沒有孩子且已不抱任何希望。 當這對夫婦得知這訊息,兩人開始 食用蜂蜜加肉桂粉,幾個月後,妻子懷孕且是雙胞胎。

腸胃不適 蜂蜜加肉桂粉,可治癒胃痛及胃潰瘍。 胃氣/腸氣:根據印度及日本所做的研究發 現,食用蜂蜜加肉桂粉可以減少胃氣及胃痛 。

消化不良 飯前食用二大匙蜂蜜加肉桂粉,可減少胃酸且 幫助食物的消化。

心臟病 早餐定期吃塗有蜂蜜和肉桂粉的麵包。 它可減少動脈的膽固醇且可避免心臟病發作。 對於過去曾有心臟病發作的病患,只要每天食用,就可避免再一次的心臟病發作。 定期遵守上述的步驟,可減輕呼吸困難的症狀且可加強心跳。 在美國及加拿大,很多的療養院都有成功的例子發現,當病患的動靜脈阻塞時,蜂 蜜和 肉桂粉可改善血液流動。

免疫系統 每日食用蜂蜜和肉桂粉,可加強免疫系統及防護細菌及病毒的侵害。科學家發現蜂 蜜有大量的維生素和鐵。 連續食用蜂蜜,可加強白血球對抗細菌及病毒。

流行性感冒 西班牙科學家已證實,蜂蜜具有可殺死流行性感冒及預防感冒的天然要素。

老化 定期喝茶並加上蜂蜜和肉桂粉,可預防老化。 將 4 大匙蜂蜜加一大匙肉桂粉及三 杯水煮沸。 每天喝3-4次,一次1/4杯,可保持皮膚光滑且預防老化。也可延長壽命, 讓你更年輕﹗

青春痘 將三大匙蜂蜜加一大匙肉桂粉調成糊狀,睡前塗在青春痘處,隔天早上用溫水洗去, 連續兩周,可消除青春痘。

皮膚感染 蜂蜜加肉桂粉可治癒溼疹、輪癬及其他皮膚感染。 只要將蜂蜜加入肉桂粉,塗在感染處即可。

身體過重 每天早上空腹,在早餐前三十分鐘及睡前喝一杯用蜂蜜加肉桂粉煮的水。定期喝可 以減重。 定期喝,即使吃高卡路里的食物,也不會讓身體堆積脂肪。

癌症 根據日本和澳洲近期的研究發現,胃癌和骨癌可利用此法治癒。癌症病患應食用三 大匙蜂蜜加一大匙肉桂粉,一天三次,連續一個月,並持續進行腫瘤療程。

疲勞 近期的研究顯示,蜂蜜的含糖量對人體的幫助大於傷害。有食用蜂蜜和肉桂粉的老 年人比較靈活。針對這題材已完成廣泛研究的 Dr. Milton 表示,當活力減少時, 可每天刷牙後及午後三點左右喝一杯水加半匙蜂蜜及少量肉桂粉,一星期活力就會 增加。

口臭 南美洲的人,每天都會將熱水加一大匙蜂蜜及肉桂粉來漱口,這樣可以讓口氣整天 保持清新。

聽力喪失 每天食用蜂蜜加肉桂粉可恢復聽力。 


The magical effect of honey with cinnamon 

A mixture of honey and cinnamon can cure most diseases. For centuries Ayurvedic and Yunani medicine has used honey as an important medical research. Today, scientists also accept honey can cure a variety of diseases. Honey can be used in curing diseases without any side effects. Today's science also points out that although honey is sweet, it does not harm patients with diabetes when appropriate dosage is taken. A well-known Canadian magazine "Weekly World News " published on 1995/1/17, that honey and cinnamon can cure the following diseases 

Arthritis: - Mix 2 spoonful of lukewarm water with 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. By applying the solution to the aching part of the body and massaging, most pain can recede within 15 minutes. Add 2 spoonful of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon to a cup of hot water to make a drink. If an arthritis patient drinks this daily on a regular basis, chronic arthritis can be cured. In a recent research done at Copenhagen University, Demark doctors tried to give a mixture of honey and cinnamon to their patients to take before breakfast. Of the 200 patients who participated, 73 patients significantly reduced the pain within a month. Most of the patients who have difficulty in walking, found after the trial have pain decreased and some even improved in walking. 

Hair loss: - hair loss or baldness can apply hot olive oil with 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of cinnamon on the skull for 5 to 15 minutes before shampooing. 

Bladder infection: - drinking hot water with 2 tablespoons of cinnamon powder and 1 tablespoon of honey can kill the bacteria inside the bladder. 

Toothache: - Mix 1 tablespoon of cinnamon powder and 5 spoons of honey to come with paste. Spread the paste on the aching area 3 times a day until pain goes away. 

Cold: - If you catch cold, you can take a tablespoon of honey and 1/4 spoon of cinnamon powder heated warm, 3 times a day. This can cure chronic cough, cold and clear sinus. 

Infertility: - Yunani and Ayurvedic have been using honey for years to strengthen the semen of men. If impotent men regularly take two tablespoons of honey before going to bed, their problem can be resolved. For centuries, people in China, Japan and the Far East, have used cinnamon to strengthen the uterus of women who cannot get pregnant. Add a small amount of cinnamon to 1/2 tablespoon of honey, then coated the mixture on the gum and slowly swallow it. It is said that this treatment can help infertility. In Maryland of the United States a couple could not have children after they had married for14 years. When the couple heard the method, they began to try and gradually increased consumption of honey and cinnamon. A few months later, the wife got pregnant and eventually gave birth to twins. 

Stomach discomfort: - According to researches done in India and Japan, consumption of honey and cinnamon powder can reduce stomachache and intestinal gas pain. 

Indigestion: - taking 2 tablespoons of honey mixed with cinnamon powder before meals can help digest food and reduce gastric acid. 

Heart disease: - When eating breakfast, coat your bread with honey and cinnamon. If you do this on a regular basis, it will help to reduce cholesterol in the arteries and may prevent a heart attack. This will also reduce the symptoms of breathing difficulties and enhance the heart function. In the United States and Canada, examples of success are found in many nursing homes when honey and cinnamon are given to treat patients with venous obstruction. 

Immune system: - daily consumption of honey and cinnamon can strengthen the immune system and protect against bacteria and viruses. Scientists found that honey has a lot of vitamins and iron. Continuous consumption of honey can enhance leukocyte in fighting against bacteria and viruses. 

Influenza: - Spanish scientists have confirmed that honey and cinnamon can help in prevention of influenza and common cold. 

Aging: - regular consumption of honey and cinnamon tea can slow down the aging process. Add 4 tablespoons of honey, 1 tablespoon of cinnamon powder to 3 cups of boiling water. Drink 1 cup each time, 3-4 times a day will keep you skin smooth and make you look younger! 

Pimples: - ground 1 tablespoon of cinnamon with 3 spoons of honey into a paste. Spread paste on pimples before going to bed. Wash off paste with warm water the next morning. Pimples will disappear in 2 weeks. 

Skin infection: - cinnamon and honey can cure eczema, psoriasis and other skin infections. Just add cinnamon to honey and put on the infected areas. 

Overweight: - 30 minutes before breakfast and 30 minutes before bed time drink a cup of boiled water with honey and cinnamon. Regular drinking of this can help you lose weight, even if you have high-calorie food because honey and cinnamon do not allow accumulation of body fat. 

Cancer: - according to recent studies in Japan and Australia, honey and cinnamon can be used to cure gastric cancer and bone cancer. Cancer patients eat three spoons of honey and 1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon together, three times a day, as an ongoing cancer treatment. 

Fatigue: - Recent studies have shown that the sugar content in honey is of more help than harm on the human body. Consumption of honey and cinnamon makes the elderly more energetic. In an extensive research on this subject, Dr. Milton said that whenever you feel your energy level is down, you can drinking a glass of water with honey and a small amount of cinnamon in the morning after brushing your teeth and in the afternoon around 3:00 p.m. After 2 weeks, your energy level will be back. 

Bad breath: - South Americans use hot water with 1 tablespoon of honey and cinnamon to rinse their mouth everyday. It keeps you breath fresh all day long. 

Hearing loss: - daily consumption of honey cinnamon can restore hearing.

台長: Dr. Ann
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