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2008-08-19 17:55:52| 人氣89| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

I don't know what it is

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I don't know what it is

That makes me love you so

I only know

I never want to let you go

'cos you started something

Can't you see

That ever since we've met

You've had a hold on me

It happens to be true

I only wanna be with you

It doesn't matter where you go

Or what you do

I'd love to spend

Each moment of the day with you

Look what has happened

Just one kiss

I never knew that i that i could be in

It's crazy but it's true

I only wanna be with you

You stopped, you smiled at me

And asked if i'd care to dance

I fell into your open arms

I didn't stand a chance

Now listen honey

I just wanna be beside you everywhere

As long as we're together, honey

I don't care

'cos you started something

Now can't you see

That ever since we've met

You've had a hold on me

No matter what you do

I only wanna be with you

台長: 你[獸]得了嗎?


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