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2007-11-11 19:24:06| 人氣70| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

狄克森 - ˇ -

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主修 major in
熬夜 stay up
從頭到尾讀一遍 read over
記住 by heart
繳交 hand in
想出﹔弄清楚 figure out
學會訣竅 learn the ropes
點名 call the roll
查閱﹔查詢 look up
變生疏 lose one’s touch

疲倦 get tired
身體不適 under the weather
照顧﹔照料 look after
增進﹔增強 build up
感冒 catch cold
復原 get over
增加體重 put on weight
生病 get sick
延請某人 send for
昏倒﹔分發 pass out

根據﹔遵照 according to
佔了……﹔說明 account for
至於﹔關於 as for
指出 point out
例如 for example
使瞭解﹔聯絡上 get through to
就……而言 in terms of
只是﹔只不過 nothing but
另一方面 on the other hand
更不用說 let alone

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