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2004-12-20 02:17:24| 人氣310| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Last night I held you in my arms and
I started to cry
And you looked up and squeezed your hand
Onto my head like you knew why.

Tomorrow I’ll be on a single and
I’ll sing the words from all of the pages
I will close my eyes in front of all the people
I will close my eyes thinking of you.

Last night I held you in my arms and
I started to cry
And you, looked up and squeezed your hand
Onto my head like you knew why.

and it was so right.


我把這首詩的美麗的溫度獻給你 與 Chanel

順便 把這首詩美麗的悲傷留給我自己... ...


台長: 鄉巴佬
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全站分類: 星座命理(星座、命理、心理測驗)

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