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2007-09-25 18:04:30


今日發現異獸 --- 九頭龍。 ---   今日小強一早起來,發現天氣與昨晚的風雨交加迥異,藍天烈日,白雲都捲曲在山巒上,於是興起,便騎著腳踏車往山邊悠遊。歌曲一首接一首地哼著,倒也自得。   近山時,些...

2007-09-25 13:58:56


Wish --- I wish that all my friends, you and me succeed in what we want to do of the world! --- AutoCAD TQC 2D、3D。   Toeic、Tofel、IELTS。     電腦輔助繪圖丙、乙級。       電腦輔...

2007-09-25 13:36:03


Rid --- Happy Moon Festival to all. ---   Mark failed in Architect test last year, when he heared the news he was very sad, his eyes was full of hot tears.   All his friends filled Mark wit...

2007-09-24 10:06:33


Exchange --- I don’t like it. --- A: Excuse me, may I exchange the black T-shirt for the red one? B: Oh, I see. Of course it is your right inside seven days. A: Thanks very much! B: Not at all...

2007-09-23 16:08:16


消長 --- 消長之間,有一生必有一損;有一得,則必有一失。 ---   四個月過去了,從五月中復站至今,幾乎是每天,都利用下班的時間來寫下一些東西,用幾十分鐘畫些簡圖,再用幾十分鐘寫下文字,持續下來,得到...

2007-09-23 12:19:21


Doubt --- I am doubtful of his ability. --- I have no doubt about your veiw point, She was dressed in black, I like all cothes she worm with the exception of the black skirt, Anyway, in general...

2007-09-22 17:10:51


後悔了 --- 哈哈,真的後悔了!!! --- 最近想要重新重製以前作的東西, 卻發現當時用的軟體已經冷門得無影無蹤, 沒軟體還不打緊, 重要的是留下來的BMP平面圖檔都沒標設尺寸, 想要重製真是...有點難度, 我...

2007-09-20 23:08:35


在心中 --- 有時,Sam還是會感到懷疑,很像自己還愛著Linda,只不過這Linda僅存於Sam的心中。 --- 看著Linda的婚照, Sam心裡的確有很多感觸。 熟悉的笑容, 勾起過去種種的回憶, 好像幾年前的事情才剛發生...

2007-09-20 17:57:19


夢飛翔 --- 到頭來得自己開導自己。Orz... --- 每個人其實都有他夢想中的生活 有時 也許夢想會受到金錢的限制 或者後天環境的影響 但是如果自己都放棄 那就真的都沒有了 所以 人生 前半段的哲學可以說是...

2007-09-20 09:46:17


Death --- What is the world after we died? --- There are many people died every year, some of them died of illness, some died in battle, some died by accident, Death is different from Living, ...

2007-09-19 21:58:38


就說別亂看 --- 勿鐵齒。 --- 今天回來的路上, 對向車道上一救護車急飆而來, 心想這可能很緊急吧, 就順眼瞄了一下, 唉, 哪有這麼剛好的, 瞄到駕駛座中間有個長髮白衣,雙眼圓而黑,感覺好像無底洞,...

2007-09-19 09:33:00


Confidenc --- Cancer is a kind of cell that is the most healthy than others in our body. --- After the Doctor cured Mary of her stomach cancer, Mary has great confidence in the Doctor. The ...

2007-09-18 18:56:54


Realization --- After this topic..., I’d like to....... --- 有人說人生一場夢,或者一幅畫,甚至是一場戲, 或者我以為的一張拼圖。 不論我們喜歡哪一種, 只要一提筆、一舉手、一出場, 演出了就要盡興...

2007-09-18 13:28:41


颱風 --- This typhoon is weak, I think it’s good to Taiwan. --- 員工說: 賺到一天假。 老闆說: 這假沒道理。 請問身兼員工及老闆的想法是? 拜訪客戶的好時機?

2007-09-17 23:24:07

就是你了! 皮卡!

就是你了! 皮卡! --- 這是最後選擇的樣式。 --- 純美學來看這未必是好的, 但因為有其背後的[意涵], 所以我喜歡, 但是作為一張名片的效果如何, 可能是我要多考慮的。 平面設計也是一門學問, 這對我也...

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