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2006-04-16 19:17:25| 人氣147| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

朴龍河-I love you so much

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Darkness fills the skies, reminds me of your eyes
Beautiful and pure, you were my future
I’m fighting back my tears wishing you were here
I’ve fallen without my love I’m lost
Every star I see at night reflects our love
It’s infinite but we took time and counted everyone

I’m still in love with you
This pain is cutting through
I feel it in my heart
It hurts so deep to be apart
I’m still in love with you
Girl if you only knew
I’d do anything
To make you appear from my dreams
I love you so much

Destiny she cried when we said our last goodbyes
How could I be so weak letting go so easily?
My strength is nearly gone
How will I keep going on?
Without you I’m a ship without my sail
You’re the wind, the moon, the sunlight, and the rain
You are everything a man could want
I want you back again!
Laying here I imagine me kiss you all over
Then you disappear I reach out for one last touch
Cuz’ I need you so much!




台長: 小金魚
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