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2006-11-23 00:50:42

Is That A Daydream ?

這實在不是我想過的生活啊 讀書考試讀書考試讀書考試.... 難道這就是高三生的無奈嗎? 我已經不知道住在我心裡的那個純真小女生跑哪去了? 是不是因為了解這世界的醜陋,所以害怕的跑去躲起來; 還是對於...

2006-08-12 10:05:03

fucking shit

where are my articals i have just written ? dammit its gonna be shit they were disappeared who stolen them?***

2006-07-23 02:42:09
2006-07-23 02:30:44

hey, it’s me

i cut my hair recently i make-up as little punk hehe..i did like this pic of mine

2006-07-19 13:18:52

★confession★★★to a friend used to be★★

hey,friend i have some words to u i remembered first time we met oh it was 2 years ago ,right? to be frank,it was not the first time we met i had already seen u before then at that time i saw...

2006-07-10 18:39:33


nothing 4 fun recently just doodling all day

2006-07-10 17:45:34


【T爆世足賽】德國技壓葡萄牙 3:1拿下季軍 世足賽今天清晨進行季軍戰,由東道主德國對上葡萄牙,德國隊中場「史汪斯泰格」個人獨進2球,加上葡萄牙球員擺烏龍幫忙踢進1球,終場德國就是以3比1擊敗對手,拿下本屆...

2006-07-05 21:29:30

hot boy

oh my hot boy MIKEY I LIKE YOUUUU...

2006-06-21 22:00:45

talkin’ let us suck together

today im in a peaceful world just not to think much not to care much i just want to live in the hell ha letmme suck down oh this damn world rock beats you lets go rock my spirit rocks now lets...

2006-06-20 21:56:29

c’est la vie

nowadays,i got lots of fun from my IFs i was very happy to make so awesome foreign friends they made my life full of surprise

2006-06-15 05:49:25

oh,my friend

now i’m really tired and i’m tired of all the days i live it’s just all the same hey,friend do you now that i’m waiting for your responds did you know every time when i received your message,...

2006-04-23 19:23:16


AVRIL好帥氣 最近越來越欣賞她了

2006-04-22 08:41:34


我想我又再次掉入孤獨陷阱中 不可自拔的陷入灰色憂鬱 關起房門 聽著悲傷的歌好讓自己更難過一些 我都快不認識自己了 快分不清楚哪一個才是真正的我 外面的世界都好虛偽 虛偽到讓我誤以為那是真 身旁的每個人...

2006-04-05 11:33:39


我喜歡龐克樂,卻愛跳嘻哈舞 這是一種衝突嗎 於是,我問了我同學 她說’還好吧,如果你喜歡聽龐克樂,卻愛跳芭蕾舞,這才奇怪吧’ 哈我聽了後,在心裡想,’嗯,這麼說好像也有道理’ 其實我接觸龐克樂不過才一年多罷了...

2006-03-27 22:05:04


上禮拜六 我參加了第十七屆飢餓三十青年領袖志工的訓練營 在許多人的演講過程中 當我聽到每一分鐘,就可能會有一個人因飢餓而死 真的是很難想像且很震撼 < DEAR GOD IF YOU REALLY EXIST WHY YOU LET THE PO...

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