我要謝謝Joy分享下面有關Joshua得到so you think you can dane4冠軍、
Top4及評審們的感言。冠軍得主除了獎金外,也贏得了在電影STEP UP3演出
有些老師會說 70%是努力, 30%是天份...。
但最近練舞,我深深地感覺到卻是 70%的天份+30%的努力,
卻還是那麼地努力 、謹慎、喜悅地對待他們所愛的舞蹈....。
Joshua: 「never let anybody tell you that you can’t do anything」
Katee:「This entire experience has changed my life and I could not be more grateful」
真的可以完全體會他們這樣的分享~自己也經歷過 ~特別是Joshua說的這句話!~
但我沒有理由不讓她繼續下去 …
Yes, Never let anybody tell me that I can’t do anything!!
來我blog留言分享的朋友們 ~ 從內心深處謝謝你們 … ^0^
Let’s Go Go Go ~!! 同時也期待STEP UP3 !! ^0^
************ (以下摘自Joy網站)
The 19-year-old hip hop/popping dancer from Fort Worth,
TX took home the fourth-season title based on the
”nearly 60 million votes” cast after Wednesday night’s final performance episode.
「I want to say never let anybody tell you that you can’t do anything,」 said Joshua after he was revealed to be the winner。
For winning So You Think You Can Dance, Joshua received a $250,000 cash prize and a ”featured dancing role” in Hairspray director Adam Shankman’s new Step Up 3D film。
During Wednesday night’s performance episode, each of the Top 4 finalists – Joshua;
Twitch Boss,a 25-year-old freestyle dancer from Montgomery, AL;
Courtney Galiano,a 19-year-old contemporary dancer from Commack, NY;
Katee Shean, a 20-year-old contemporary dancer from San Jose, CA-- performed three couples routines, a group number and a solo。
Joshua -- who never found himself among the bottom vote getters during his So You Think You Can Dance journey -- was largely praised following his Wednesday night solo routine。
「Wow. What can I say?」 started So You Think You Can Dance judge Mary Murphy.
「Joshua I put you on the hot tamale train the very first week and you’ve been riding first class all the way to this finale.
I said that you would be in this finale, and you’re standing right up there and you deserve to be there.
You brought it on with your fire, your heart and your soul. You’ve got it all.」
「Joshua, you have set the standard for next season with untrained dancers,」added So You Think You Can Dance executive producer and judge Nigel Lythgoe.
「You’ve set the standard. If you come on this show now, we’ll always say, ’Joshua didn’t get training, and look at how brilliant he was.’ So they’re going to have to go up to your standard next year.You’ve been absolutely superb.」
Courtney was the first finalist to learn her fate during last night’s live finale broadcast, and she took the ouster in stride.
「I’m not sad, I’m not upset,」 said Courtney.
「I’m so proud and honored to have danced with these guys. I’m privileged and I’m fortunate that I got to look into the audience and see my family every single week. They’re the reason why I got where I am. Thank you guys so much for this opportunity.」
Katee -- who was partnered with Joshua for the first five weeks of the season and was the only other Top 20 finalist to never land among the bottom vote getters -- was the next to be eliminated。
「This entire experience has changed my life and I could not be more grateful,」 said Katee.
「The memories we’ve created and all the dancers, I can’t thank everybody enough for just pushing me and making me grow. I will never forget any of this.I feel so blessed to even be here and this is the most amazing thing in my life.」
他不但贏得了25萬美金(約750萬台幣耶),還有新電影Step Up3裡的跳舞角色喔!Katee可不可以也演一下?我想看...
