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以「Why」為名的歌有很多,最愛的卻是Annie Lennox的「why」!

知道Annie Lennox這個名字的人可能不多,
但如果提到魔戒三部曲(Into the West)、愛情向前沖(Sweet Dreams)、
命運交錯(Waiting in Vain)這幾首片尾歌曲時,大家的印象一定不淺吧!

一開始聽「Why」 (專輯版)就被它前奏的旋律給吸引了,
甜甜的‧憂憂的‧浪漫的 ~
的感嘆。(連想到「Gone with the Wind」電影的最後結局..)

http://www.wretch.cc/video/djsonata7 (很精彩的演唱!-歌詞貼在最下方)


最近的一場現演場會上, 大大的全黑墨鏡、短髮、
敲著一個個的黑白琴鍵 ~ 演唱風采依舊,

Annie Lennox 於1954年12月25日出身於蘇格蘭Aberdeen。
七○年代的末期Annie Lennox與Dave Stewart(吉他手)、Peet Coombes合組「The Tourits」樂團。

1980年因Dave Stewart和Annie Lennox兩人相戀後就離開「The Tourists」,另組「Eurythmics」樂團。

1983年所推出的第二張專輯《Sweet Dreams(Are Made Of This)》中的《Love Is A Stranger》在英國獲得很大的迴響,也在美國榜上奪冠。

1985年的第四張專輯《Be Yourself Tonight》,曲風上有很明顯的轉變,在原本的Synth-Pop樂風之中加入了R&B的元素成分。不過兩人卻在1989年 推出專輯《We Too Are One》後宣告解散。1999年 重新復合,並推出專輯《Peace》。

Annie Lennox學生時期就讀女子音樂學校,但過得並不快樂。


< Solo albums 個人專輯 >

1992(Diva) / 1995(Medusa) / 2003(Bare) / 2007(Songs of Destruction)

< 唱銷單曲 >

1998 (Put a little Love in Your Heart)
1992 (Why) (Precious) (Walking On Broken Glass) (Cold)
1993 (Little Bird) (Love Song for a Vampire)
1995 (No more I love you’s) (A Whiter Shade of Pale)
(Waiting in Vain)(Something So Right.with Paul Simon)
2003 (Pavement Cracks )
2004 (A Thousand Beautiful Things) (Wonderful)
2007 (Dark Road) (Sing .with Various Artists)


Academy Awards
2004 - Best Original Song (for Into The West)

Grammy Awards
•1987 - Best Rock Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocal
(Eurythmics) (for Missionary Man)
•1992 - Best Music Video - Long Form (for Diva)
•1995 - Best Female Pop Vocal Performance (for No More I Love You’s)
•2004 - Best Song Written For A Motion Picture, Television Or Other
Visual Media (for Into The West)

BRIT Awards
•1984 - Best British Female Solo Artist
•1986 - Best British Female Solo Artist
•1989 - Best British Female Solo Artist
•1990 - Best British Female Solo Artist
•1993 - Best British Female Solo Artist
•1993 - Best British Album (for Diva)
•1996 - Best British Female Solo Artist

Golden Globe Awards
•2004 - Best Original Song - Motion Picture (for Into The West)

Other Awards
•2002 - Billboard Century Award by Billboard Magazine

< Why >

How many times do i have to try to tell you
That i’m sorry for the things i’ve done
But when i start to try to tell you
That’s when you have to tell me
Hey...this kind of trouble’s only just begun

I tell myself too many times
Why don’t you ever learn to keep your big mouth shut
That’s why it hurts so bad to hear the words
That keep on falling from your mouth
Falling from your mouth
Falling from your mouth
Tell me...

I may be mad
I may be blind
I may be viciously unkind
But i can still read what you’re thinking
And i’ve heard it said too many times
That you’d be better off

Why can’t you see this boat is sinking
(this boat is sinking this boat is sinking)
Let’s go down to the water’s edge
And we can cast away those doubts
Some things are better left unsaid
But they still turn me inside out
Turning inside out turning inside out
Tell me...
Tell me...

This is the book i never read
These are the words i never said
This is the path i’ll never tread
These are the dreams i’ll dream instead
This is the joy that’s seldom spread
These are the tears...
The tears we shed
This is the fear
This is the dread
These are the contents of my head
And these are the years that we have spent
And this is what they represent
And this is how i feel

Do you know how i feel?
’cause i don’t think you know how i feel
I don’t think you know what i feel
I don’t think you know what i feel
You don’t know what i feel


台長: DJ
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