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2007-10-28 19:05:05| 人氣390| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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我希望我無論有天變成怎麼樣的人,都不會忘記自己是個平凡的鄉下女孩,ㄧ個不小心經歷了ㄧ場奇幻冒險,但是我還是我,很多煩惱憂愁都是多餘的,連好萊塢明星都可以在越南騎摩托車(之前報紙還說他們倆個常常騎摩托車兜風,餓了就去買taco bell),Sony國際總裁都可以刻苦的在落後國家backpacking,我實在沒藉口說有天我事業成功甚至嫁好老公,我就高人ㄧ等或在物質上要求高標準,因為如果有天忘了自己是誰,我只是個copycat,什麼都不是,今天paris hilton或gweneth patrow可以說他們受不了在亞洲騎摩托車或自助旅行,因為她們從小優渥的生活讓他們不習慣這樣的生活方式,也沒辦法應付這樣的生活方式,但是我沒資格像她們這樣說。



Pitt and Jolie spent Thanksgiving in Vietnam
Brad and Angelinaadmin

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were spotted riding the scooter around Ho Chi Minh City on 23/11/2006.

Instead of stuffing themselves with turkey and all the fixins’, Pitt was seen with Jolie perched on the back seat behind him in a country where virtually everyone travels on the two-wheeled machines. The couple later dined at a popular Vietnamese restaurant converted from an old temple.

Pitt and Jolie arrived unannounced in Vietnam after an earlier surprise visit this week to Cambodia where on Wednesday they toured a former Khmer Rouge death camp, which is now a genocide museum.

The 31-year-old actress, who has an adopted son from Cambodia, is rumored to be in Vietnam to adopt another child.

Jolie’s Cambodian son, Maddox, is 5 years old. She and Pitt also have a 1-year-old daughter, Zahara, who was adopted from Ethiopia. Jolie gave birth to the couple’s daughter, Shiloh, in Namibia in May.

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