Jane Birkin一直是我狠喜歡的英國歌手,簡單說說這個人吧,Hermes要等三年的柏金包就是以她命的名,之前出的凱莉包柏金她嫌太小,所以Hermes就為她出了一個可以裝尿布的柏金包(有錢人果然有錢,一個幾十萬的包包給她拿去裝尿布,那這樣以後的貴婦是不是結了婚趕快去定,不然小孩子出生之後沒東西裝奶瓶尿布?),反正她就很顛覆傳統,跟才子Serge Gainsbourg的故事一直都是話題。
第一首是Jane B. 我個人覺得比她年輕的時候唱的好,很抓的到那種虛無飄渺的感覺,第一個音就抓住我。
我最喜歡的歌還是Yesterday Yes A Day(標題當我skype的心情留言很久),常常聽這首歌,會想到過去美好的時光,然後精力不在,時間因為工作變少了,也沒有辦法像當年的自己為愛瘋狂,或遊走各地,聽到這首歌都會覺得很感嘆,那種美好的時光已過的感覺,那渡過更轟轟烈烈的人生的Jane,現在老了,重唱這首歌,看著自己輝煌的過去,不知道是怎樣的心情呢?
Jane Birkin
Yesterday Yes a day
Like any day
Alone again for every day
Seemed the same sad way
To pass the day
The sun went down without me
Suddenly someone else
Has touched my shadow
He said: Hello
Yesterday Yes a day
Like any day
Alone again for every day
Seemed the same sad way
He tried to say
What did you do without me
Why are you crying alone
On your shadow
He said: I know
Yesterday Yes a day
Like any day
Alone again for every day
Seemed the same sad way
To pass the day
The sun went down without you
Falling me in his arms
I become a shadow
He said: Let’s go
Yesterday Yes a day
Like any day
Alone again for every day
Seemed the same sad way
To pass the day
Living my life without him
Don’t let him go away
He’s found my shadow
Don’t let him go
Yesterday Yes a day
But today
No I don’t care
If others say
It’s the same sad way
To pass the day
Cause they all live without it
Without making love
In the shadows