原文出處: http://www.mixph.com/2009/04/growing-bean-sprouts-toge-the-easy-way.html
Ultimately, the best time/length to eat sprouts could be determined by mere experimentation. Experts suggest growing sprouts and eating them at different ages/ lengths. Numerous methods have been exploited to sprout beans. In Oriental countries, beans are soaked for eight hours and then placed in tubs or crockery jars that have sufficient drainage. They are sprinkled with water at room temperature three times a day, where in about four to six days, would then be ready for use.
The Chinese, most specially, have mastered the art of sprouting; devising their own procedures, but somehow keeping the general principles of soaking and sprinkling. The simplest method for growing bean sprouts is in one’s kitchen, using a wide-mouth jar.
However, techniques for the commercial production of bean sprouts are quite different, but the philosophy is also the same. According to the Michigan State Bulletin website, the beans are waterlogged at 70°F for 8 hours and then relocated to huge uncovered metal tanks in quantity that may produce at least 12 inches of beans. A mechanical sprinkling device hoses down the sprouts by moving from one end of the tank to the other once every four hours.
Sprinkling holds the sprouts at a restrained temperature, washes out accrued carbon dioxide and replenishes the oxygen reserve. Under these conditions, the sprouts surface from the seed coat during the first day of sprouting. Growth becomes rapid and the sprouts reach the desired size in about five days.
Sprouts 3.5 inches long with a diameter of 1/8 inch are considered best.
On the other hand, Mr. Lai Wen Chi of GMP/ PAKTECH Inc. claims growing bean sprouts need not be this intricate. This Taiwanese inventor introduces the “do-it-yourself” organic way of planting and harvesting healthy bean sprouts.
“In Taiwan, I noticed that plants and vegetables were mostly grown in farms. There was a problem with insecticides as well, and the hazards they entailed,” he explained.
And it wasn’t long until his idea of an automatic bean sprout machine was born. He continued, “I thought, why not plant vegetables inside the house instead, and organically? A machine that’s fully automated and won’t require electricity. A practical way of taking care of plants where one doesn’t really have to take care.”
GMP/PAKTECH Inc.’s automatic bean sprout machine (for a small sprout family) comes in six different sizes and particular uses.
The Do-It-Yourself bean sprout model that weighs less than two kilos requires nothing more than manual watering. The small family/electricity control and environment protection model shares a principle a lot similar to cooking rice. This includes a timer, a water tank and a submersible pump to supply water, making it more suitable for Lucerne and wheat. All that one needs to do is place the seed inside the sprout box and set the time.
The small family/alternating current electromagnetic valve model weighs 10 kilos and uses minimal electricity to control the water quantity. This is ideal for medium-sized businesses, since the water can be easily drained after watering the sprout. The small family/water trunk, faucet dual-purpose model is made up of three pieces of water trunk. This uses no electricity at all and is suitable for family use. It’s also equipped with extra functions connected to the waterway tube to help you save on water.
The direct electromagnetic current valve model works shortly after installing direct current electromagnetic valves to the outlet faucet. It can regularly supply water that can be drained soon after watering. The smallest model, which is sold at P200 a piece, is a boat-like bean sprout machine that weighs less than 150 grams. It would appeal to both adults and children because of its minute size and may be put on a desk or by the bedside.



“The bean sprout machines do not need any additives. It works on pure water and passable sunlight. People may also grow sprouted rice in it, which would just take one to two days,” continued Lai.
This Taiwanese inventor admits that these sprout machines are already on their fifth generation. It has undergone a lot of changes and developments since their inception 24 years ago.
He added, “This technology, which I believe, is still new here in the Philippines, can grow practically all kinds of vegetable seeds, even weeds or wheat grass for juice. It can also have a yield of about three to four kilos. It doesn’t require any fertilizer, so it’s totally organic.”
Since photosynthesis aids seeds to sprout greener plants and vegetables, Lai suggests starting by picking good seeds. This lessens the chances of the sprouts getting sick along the process. And in the long run, provide you a harvest greener than the farms can produce.
Cultivation Procedure [click image to enlarge]

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