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2008-04-19 21:40:28| 人氣99| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Why does it feel like night today? 為什麼今天漆黑如夜?

Something in here’s not right today 感覺有點不大對勁

Why am I so uptight today? 為什麼我會坐立不安?

Paranoia’s all I got left 從頭到尾神經兮兮

I don’t know what stressed me first 我不知道是什麼東西壓的我喘不過氣

Or how the pressure was fed 或是什麼東西自己逐漸壯大

But I know just what it feels like 但我就是有這種感覺

To have a voice in the back of my head 腦海裡回蕩著一種聲音

It’s like a face that I hold inside 像是一張深藏在我內心裡的臉

A face that awakes when I close my eyes 總在我閉上雙眼時浮現的臉

A face that watches every time I lie 只要我說謊他就浮現盯著我看

A face that laughs every time I fall 每當我蹩腳就會偷笑的臉

It watches everything 他喜歡偷窺我的一舉一動

So I know now that when it’s time to sink or swim 當決定搖頭沉淪或奮勇掙扎時

The face inside is hearing me 那張臉就會抬起頭來看著我

Right beneath my skin 真他媽的令人不爽

It’s like I’m paranoid lookin over my back 就好像妄想的布袋想要套住我

It’s like a whrilwind inside of my head 就好像腦海裡的一道旋風

It’s like I can’t stop but I’m hearin within 就好像我不能阻止內心裡的吶喊

It’s like a face inside is right beneath my skin 就像內心裡那張臉挑動我每根神經

I know I’ve got a face in me 我知道我內心裡有一張臉

Points out all my mistakes to me 毫不留情地對我指出過錯

You’ve got a face on the inside too 你內心裡也有一張臉而且

Your paranoia’s probably worse 說不定你比我更神經兮兮

I don’t know what set me off first 我不知道是什麼惹毛了我

But I know what I can’t stand 但是我知道我不能停止

Everybody acts like the fact of the matter is 每個人都自以為是

I can’t add up to what you can but 我不清楚你到底幾兩重

Everybody has a face that they hold inside 每個人內心深處都有一張臉

Aface that awakes when I close my eyes 總在閉上雙眼時浮現的臉

A face that watches every time they lie 只要說謊他就浮現盯著你看

A face that laughs every time they fall 每當他們蹩腳就會偷笑的臉

It watches everything 他喜歡偷窺他們的一舉一動

So you know that when it’s time to sink or swim 每當決定搖頭沉淪或奮勇掙扎時

That the face inside is watching you too 那張臉就會抬起頭來看著你

Right inside your skin 真他媽的令人不爽

It’s like I’m paranoid lookin over my back 就好像妄想的布袋想要套住我

It’s like a whrilwind inside of my head 就好像腦海裡的一道旋風

It’s like I can’t stop but I’m hearin within 就好像我不能阻止內心裡的吶喊

It’s like a face inside is right beneath my skin 就像內心裡那張臉挑動我每一根神經

It’s like I’m paranoid lookin over my back 就好像妄想的布袋想要套住我

It’s like a whirlwind inside of my head 就好像腦海裡的一道旋風

It’s like I can’t stop what I’m hearin within 就好像我不能阻止內心裡的吶喊

It’s like the face inside is right beneath my skin 就像內心裡那張臉挑動我每一根神經

The face inside is right beneath your skin 內心裡那張臉挑動你每一根神經

The face inside is right beneath your skin 內心裡那張臉挑動你每一根神經

The face inside is right beneath your skin 內心裡那張臉挑動你每一根神經

The sun goes down 太陽居然給我落跑了

I feel the light betray me 我他媽的覺得它背叛了我

The sun goes down 太陽居然給我落跑了

I feel the light betray me 我他媽的覺得它背叛了我

It’s like I’m paranoid lookin over my back 就好像妄想的布袋想要套住我

It’s like a whirlwind inside of my head 就好像腦海裡的一道旋風

It’s like I can’t stop what I’m hearin within 就好像我不能阻止內心裡的吶喊

It’s like the face inside is right beneath my skin 就像內心裡那張臉挑動我每一根神經

It’s like I’m paranoid lookin over my back 就好像妄想的布袋想要套住我

It’s like a whirlwind inside of my head 就好像腦海裡的一道旋風

It’s like I can’t stop what I’m hearin within 就好像我不能阻止內心裡的吶喊

It’s like I can’t stop what I’m hearin within 就好像我不能阻止內心裡的吶喊

It’s like I can’t stop what I’m hearin within 就好像我不能阻止內心裡的吶喊

It’s like a face inside is right beneath my skin 就像內心裡那張臉挑動我每一根神經

台長: 蚯蚓
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