I thought 1500 words research report, compared to those brain wrecking
essays, would be dead easy. I had a perfect plan in head, a small scale
interview with the kidsi teach in school, do a qualitative analysis on
the data and Im done. Sounds perfect.
On the day Im teaching in school, I went to ask my mentor for
persmission to interview the kids, she told me I need to clear the
research purpose with the Head Principal first. I went to do that
straght away and showed him the questionnaire, but it did not get
clearnce, so I had to give up on this method.
At the end, I decided to do a secondary data analysis. I started
looking for a suitable dataset from a governmental archive to download.
After ages and ages of scrambling, I found one. although when I load up
the datasheet on my pc ... I was absolutely shocked and speechless, I
was staring at a gruesome 1800 variables on the screen, and I couldnt
fucking tell which one means what, the lable is sooo crude and the
answers coding just dont seem to make sense!! So I went back to the
website, thought I should gain some documentary information from the
original interview questionniare, I spent the whole bloody night
reading through the questions and still I aint got a clue how the
answers were being coded and input into the system.
My research project is going hell wrong, there is little time and there
is nothing I can do about it. Im at a lost right now and a horrible
ringing headache which probably wont subside until morning.