Let go ! 一如一把撒向天際的星塵 !
夜風颼颼 催疾浮雲飛逝 迅譯了漫天燦語 奕奕茫茫
似懂 也惑
黎明風雲輕 沸騰的紅霞幽幽 撩撥靈魂深處的紗簾
若晦 還明
顫顫觸動~~ 那一年夏天醺醺沉睡於暗角的琴弦
緩板 歌演
拋卻理性 誰征服誰的雙唇 夢醉繾綣
讓情感衝動的釋放 完全
將肉體信任的給予 恣縱
那一刻 那片純 深烙而永恆
在海邊 在草原 星野下 那個夏天
... ...
(anyone should)
Remeber the moment,
the reason why
u realsed ur self-consciousness and emotions
hot and truly.
/ 英文發想 中文微澀
澄澈的季節 更要仰望
* 突然想到Jodie forster 在Contact(接觸未來)輸送椅上旋轉能量到達"可轉換"時空的當下 她念念有詞 "let go, let go ...." 然後輸送椅鬆脫 懸浮 降落在某星球某時空 交會了年幼時 常常帶著她仰望星空的父親

如果可以盪回到過去 遺憾是否能被修補不再遺憾?
但我始終相信 會有新的憾事發生
/ let go
真愛的極至是放手 (不偏離禮教之下 尊重與自由)
如果這年紀還未婚 愛情與自由孰輕 ?!
成熟的我們同儕另一半 / 獨立愈益自主的孩子 / 熟透了冥頑年邁(死不聽勸)的長輩
乃至醫師對(講也講不聽的)患者的殷殷叮囑 (不是醫"生" 生死其實由習氣 由天)
乃至朝和野 課綱改變教育翻轉... 誰聽誰講 誰尊重了誰?!
如果真愛 就會傾聽 就會柔軟 願意包容
** 0616 / for freedom
Lara Fabian - Adagio (English-Italian)
I don't know where to find you
I don't know how to reach you
I hear your voice in the wind
I feel you under my skin
Whithin my heart and my soul I'll wait for you
All of these nights without you
All of my dreams surround you
I see and i touch your face I fall into your embrace
When the time is right, i know You'll be in my arms
I close my eyes and i find a way
No need for me to pray
I've walked so far I've fought so hard
Nothing more to explain
I know all that remains Is a piano that plays
If you know where to find me If you know how to reach me
Before this light fades away Before i run out of my faith
Be the only man to say That you'll hear my heart
That you'll give your life
Forever you'll stay
Don't let this light fade away
No no no no no Don't let me run out of faith
Be the only man to say
That you believe, make me believe You won't let go
* 不同語言 不同歌詞
My love - habibi / Majida El Roumi_engl subs 激情B+版 竟然有大雨中還有銀河 很野玫瑰 !
** 昨 圓月如新月般勾人 新月如滿月般潔霜 台中很美! 據說台北傾盆大雨的午後