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2007-07-16 22:14:30| 人氣261| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Story---The Panda

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Once upon a time, there was a little panda. He was climbing up the tree, and then he heard a bird say, ”My eggs are not hatched yet!” The little panda looked up and saw the bird.

A rabbit hopped around and found her carrots, and said ”Yummy!” Then the little panda asked, ”who is saying yummy?” The rabbit said, ”Me!”
The panda climbed down the tree and said, ”You are eating your food, and I want to eat my food,too!” And he started to look for bamboo leaves. ”Wow, it’s there!” He ate all the bamboo leaves. He felt very very full.

The dragonfly wanted to marry the other dragonfly. They flew like dragons. Then they hatched their babies.

The little panda looked at the bird and thought, ”Are the bird’s eggs hatched?....Wow, they are hatched! The baby birds are so cute!”

The little panda thought, ”I want to have a baby,too!”
He asked everyone, ”Do you know how to have babies?” Everyone told him, ”You have to marry another panda, and you will have a little baby, and the baby will grow up!”

After a few months, the little panda grew into a big panda. He was very happy, because he could have a baby now. (The end)

台長: Diane
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